Example sentences of "have be find [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Trowark himself would most likely have been found under the thick cable-knit cover of his Cornish Knit Frock .
2 In the past this plant would only have been found on the better drained slopes leading to our moorland plateaux , but because of man 's interference in this environment , by digging drainage ditches and lowering the water table , the plant has been able to spread onto the plateaux themselves .
3 Bourke claimed that Blake brought his two-way radio with him when he escaped and both radios were left at Bourke 's flat in Highlever Road where they must have been found by the police when they raided the flat on I January 1967 .
4 However , most drama activity should not be seen as leading to a polished end product ; even where this is the result , the most significant educational value of the activity will often have been found in the process that led to that end product .
5 If error reporting has been disabled ( OPT 0,1,4 or 5 ) , the current value of the program counter is used in place of the address which would have been found in the variable , and assembly continues .
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