Example sentences of "than [num] years [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A Parliament was summoned more than 500 years before the United States Congress first assembled .
2 Then , for more than 300 years until the legions left , the Romans ruled Britain , bringing their talent for organisation to the country , building roads which made travel easier , and all the time controlling the province through the administration of Roman law — backed up by the powerful legions of the Roman army .
3 No proceedings may be commenced more than 10 years after the producer supplied the product .
4 Thus it happened that in November 1989 , more than six years after the matter had first come to light , he was charged with two offences of offering an advantage to Mr. Turner , contrary to the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance ( Laws of Hong Kong , 1987 rev. , c. 201 ) .
5 THE Royal Ordnance Factory at Leeds yesterday delivered to the British Army the first production version of the Challenger tank , less than three years after the Ministry of Defence ordered the vehicle.The army is receiving more than 200 Challengers , costing about £300 million , to beef up its defences in Germany against Soviet tanks .
6 Scragg et al in a case-control study found that ever user of the pill was associated with an increased risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease in women younger than 29 years and a reduced risk of symptomatic gall bladder disease in older women .
7 It is now more than 25 years since the caesium atomic clock was first used to define the second , replacing the earlier definition based on astronomical observations of the mean solar day .
8 The Inner House of the Scottish Court of Sessions has held that the Prescription and Limitations ( Scotland ) Act 1973 ( the Act ) did not exclude the Crown 's claim to interest on overdue tax that related to a period more than five years before the Crown had acted to recover the tax and interest thereon ( see Lord Advocate v Butt and others [ 1992 ] STI 169 ) .
9 After all , it was not much more than five years since the Westminster Abbey wedding that thrilled the nation , if not the world .
10 There appears to be no significant risk to women who take it for less than five years but the risk does increase slightly between five and ten years , and taking it for more than 15 years gives a higher risk still .
11 Patients had to have had insulin treated diabetes mellitus for more than five years and a history of altered awareness of hypoglycaemia within three months of transferring to human insulin .
12 A general degree which would require three years of full-time study should normally require no less than five years and no more than eight years of part-time study .
13 The first turbine-powered airliner to carry fare-paying passengers , it is now more than 40 years since the prototype Vickers Viscount flew .
14 Visually Melton remains a railway centre even more than twenty years after the railway went .
15 It will be the first time in more than two years that the ANC leader has shared a platform with Chief Buthelezi .
16 The need for insolvency at the relevant time does not apply to transactions at an undervalue entered into less than two years before the individual is adjudged bankrupt .
17 By February 1969 , Hello , Dolly ! was ready for screening , but the Broadway production was still running and it looked as if it might be more than two years before the film could be shown .
18 Despite this it was to be less than two years before the Party adopted the idea of the " People 's Front " in its entirety , including the help of Liberals and even of Conservatives who were opposed to the National Government .
19 IT IS more than 20 years since the novelist C P Snow delivered his Rede Lecture , The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution , and 20 since F R Leavis delivered his swingeing assault on Snow , which made the whole thing a subject of violent controversy , adding somewhat to the gaiety of that small part of the nation interested in academic ding-dong .
20 Mr Huxley Jones , of Fairlands Crescent , Rhuddlan , who was a branch manager with a plumbing supplies firm , has been pastoral steward at the local English Methodist Church for more than 20 years and a driver for the local meals-on-wheels service for eight years .
21 The cardboard mostly rotted away , but they 've been in the ground for no more than 20 years and the bomb experts say they 're not military .
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