Example sentences of "than [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed one of this form of revisionism 's characteristic positions is to stress localised events happening as a result of localised pressures rather than as responses to larger national happenings or , especially , to articulated ideological movements .
2 Thus both knowledge and the learner are viewed as discrete entities which happen to be in one or another state of being , rather than as sets of dynamic and unstable processes .
3 However as Harvey ( 1969 , p. 449 ) noted , systems concepts , although old , had tended to remain on the fringe of scientific interest acting more as constraints than as subjects for intensive investigation .
4 In narrative terms this is reflected as a disregard for verisimilitude and the use of characters as discursive instances through which a number of different discourses can be made to pass rather than as representations of discrete individuals .
5 The ancient Forest offices of verderer , regarder and agister had ‘ become merely nominal and … bestowed rather as Marks of Favour and Distinction upon Gentlemen of Consideration in the Neighbourhood , than as Appointments of real Use or Responsibility . ’
6 other than for windows in occupied bedrooms the security devices fitted to the Home are put effectively into operation and
7 other than for windows in unoccupied bedrooms the security devices fitted to the Home are put effectively into operation and
8 Other factors are also involved ; risks tend to be greater for males than for females at all ages ( see Table 10.1 ) ; marital state , occupation and social class are likewise important .
9 It does however represent an ethical standard which the press should be reluctant to infringe other than for reasons of genuine public interest .
10 Although corporation tax rates on profits retained are generally lower than average personal tax rates ( particularly for small companies ) there is much less flexibility for tax planning than for partnerships under current legislation .
11 For men under 20 , the job offer arrival rates are at least nine times higher than for men aged 55 and over ( at the mean wage ) , emphasising how difficult it is for older unemployed men to obtain a job .
12 This figure was 2.7 times higher than for employees in large-scale industry .
13 For regionally balanced economic growth , this neglect of regional policies was most unfortunate because regional policies are more effective when pursued during periods of labour demand than during periods of high unemployment .
14 first , that it was a consequence of competition between members of the same sex rather than between members of different sexes or species ; and , second , that it depended on variation in reproductive success rather than survival .
15 Further , part of the reduction in horizontal segregation has been a consequence of the entry of men into traditional areas of women 's employment , rather than of women into those higher-paying sectors traditionally monopolized by men .
16 As Table 2.4 shows , the proportion of seasonal , temporary and casual workers is generally higher amongst persons in service occupations than amongst persons in industrial occupations , but also the proportion of fixed contract workers is higher the more skilled the level of occupation .
17 In this connection Kant is somewhat notorious for sometimes seeming to think it better to help those in need out of a sheer sense of duty , without feeling any sympathy for them , than with feelings of loving kindness .
18 This attention to the total psychological development of the child is indeed a new phenomenon , in that earlier generations of parents have been chiefly preoccupied by the related themes of physical survival and moral growth , rather than with concepts of mental health or social and emotional adjustment .
19 ‘ A trusted cashier committing embezzlement , a minister who evades payment of his taxes , a teacher making sexual advances towards minors and a civil servant who accepts bribes have a fear of detection which is more closely linked with the dread of public scandal and subsequent social ruin than with apprehensions of legal punishment . ’
20 The research is concerned with the long-run impact of government policy , rather than with issues of short-run macro-economic policy .
21 This is not because reactor accidents are more likely , but because the potential consequences for the general public of some reactor accidents are much greater than from accidents at other stages in the fuel cycle .
22 We isolated enterobacteria , usually E coli , less frequently and in lower numbers from patients with newly diagnosed active colitis or active colitis on relapse than from patients with quiescent colitis .
23 In the event of the Board terminating your appointment other than in circumstances of gross misconduct on your part or wilful neglect by you of your duties then the Board may in its discretion determine to pay you compensation in respect of that termination .
24 This has been shown by lower prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma in immigrants to Paris than in women of French origin , a factor suggested to be the consequence of a cultural preference for poorly cooked meat .
25 Table 11 reaffirms that there is significantly greater RFA in men than in women for verbal tasks , but not for spatial ones .
26 National associations also tend to sponsor larger schemes in the more important settlements rather than in areas of isolated housing need .
27 When bureaus are compared it is readily evident that the benefits of office , including salary , may be larger in bureaus with smaller budgets than in others with large ones .
28 The models of Fudenberg and Levine and Benabou and Laroque show that in games with imperfect monitoring the process of reputation building and destruction is considerably smoother than in games without such noise .
29 I think that many of us would prefer to see falling rolls as a chance to reduce class size , thus giving pupils a better chance of carrying out practical work in pairs rather than in groups of three or even four .
30 The expectation here being that revisions in investment intentions ( i.e. the differences between planned and actual investment expenditures ) would be greater in periods of low economic activity and greater uncertainty than in periods of high economic activity and greater certainty .
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