Example sentences of "than [pron] [is] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This woman inhabits several time spans at once : she is no less at home with the whirling world of angels and demons than she is with the cordless phone and the digital clock .
2 ‘ Even then , ’ says one of the filmmakers , ‘ Breathless was dramatically different than she is in the final script .
3 Under a differentiated strategy , one is not necessarily under less persistent pressure to improve than one is under a cost-leadership strategy .
4 And I would rather be yours than anybody 's in the whole world !
5 There is not the freedom of movement there is with the network system but there is far less deadweight of support staff than there is with the pyramid or layer system .
6 There is no question of any political party policy for AIB , to be implemented by a minister , any more than there is for the judiciary .
7 There is no more evidence for the use of pattern books as regulators of design than there is for the existence of central workshops servicing definable territories .
8 This is not a consideration which applies to other factors of production : there is far less concern about the proportion of a country 's capital stock which is lying idle than there is about the proportion of the labour force which is unemployed .
9 However , there is even less agreement among linguists about how to apply semantics than there is about the use of syntax .
10 Since ESS 's arise from a dynamics , there is no assumption of rationality any more than there is in the case of kin selection .
11 The implication of this is that there is more scope for innovation and change in Europe than there is in the UK .
12 Although there is a risk from the mood-altering properties of these substances , there is a greater risk of return to addictive use of drugs from unrelieved pain than there is from the strictly temporary appropriate use of these mood-altering chemicals .
13 Labour 's Peter Mandelson dismissed the remarks and added : ‘ It is impossible to imagine a housing market more depressed than it is under the present Tory government .
14 I take the view myself that when one has a person in advancing years , in some respects an impairment of movement may perhaps be more serious than it is with a younger person .
15 If the elderly relative is your own mother , frank discussion of problems is usually ( but not always ) easier than it is with an in-law .
16 But also , look as those er , those short answers , now it 's important that you answer the short answer questions well alright , because it 's , it 's a lot easier to get good marks on a short answer question , providing you do it well , than it is on a long answer question .
17 Yes , I , I think really that 's why it 's a lot easier to read the time on an analogue display than it is on a digital display .
18 At one side of the galaxy the gas is travelling at 700 km per second faster than it is on the other side .
19 ‘ Staff morale is higher than it is on the NHS .
20 It is more difficult to trace the spatial patterning of central-government spending than it is at a local level .
21 Barbed wire might well become more common than it is at the moment .
22 Further , discomfort is much more prevalent at the base of an organization than it is at the top , both physically and psychologically .
23 The result is bound to be that it will be far harder to acquire convictions in these cases than it is at the moment .
24 And irrationality is , 1 would argue , more firmly at the centre of Western , Christian , culture than it is at the centre of Islam .
25 It should complement the Bishop 's Park which by then , it is hoped , will be kept in a better state than it is at the moment .
26 But the major problem is that the sites which we have at the present moment are not controlled , and if we could get proper sites , properly managed , I think you would find that the whole erm picture of a gipsy site in an area would be much better received by the public than it is at the present .
27 The assumption is that it is much more difficult to assess the work of a public manager than it is of a private sector counterpart .
28 Because the proportion in such care rises with increasing age , the survey is more representative of those in the late 60s and early 70s than it is of the over-75s .
29 I must check those feelings which are the expression of physical instinct craving for satisfaction , but God knows celibacy is as painful to women ( even from the physical standpoint ) as it is to men — could not be more painful than it is to a woman .
30 Indeed the detailed , cautious , inconclusive report of the commission is probably now of more interest to outsiders like me than it is to the Kenyans .
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