Example sentences of "my [noun sg] when i 'm " in BNC.

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1 And the sudden pain in my chest when I 'm on my trampoline .
2 I think about my work when I 'm at home .
3 ‘ Yes , she particularly likes to lie on my lap when I 'm wearing it , ’ said Sophia , examining the skirt of the dress .
4 It 's better when you send me to my room when I 'm naughty .
5 I 'll be booking my ticket when I 'm ready . ’
6 Because I 've had enough of it all my life what with one thing and another , and what I mean is , I do n't want you getting yourself into trouble trying to mind my back when I 'm OK really , and you 'll just land yourself in it doing the unnecessary . ’
7 I usually manage to curb my anger when I 'm at home , but at work I often do n't succeed .
8 This is not for er any sort of This i I 'm doing this talk here for erm Stanley 's daughter who 's at er college , and she likes to hear the sound of my voice when I 'm sober .
9 I 'll get my prescription when I 'm here too Doctor .
10 He had n't better get in my way when I 'm going down there I 'll string him , I 'll make a bastard out of it
11 Consolidated 's latest LP , ‘ Play More Music ’ , collects together intense , groovy and very left-of-centre raps and rants like ‘ Veggie Beat Manifesto ’ and the classic ‘ You Suck ’ , rapped by women , about oral sexual equality — ‘ I know you think it 's a real drag to suck my cunt when I 'm on the rag ’ .
12 Julie , who 's 26 , says , ‘ I keep it in my bag when I 'm at work , and often place it by my bed at night . ’
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