Example sentences of "my [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A vacancy having occurred in the medical department of the Infirmary at Bedford in consequence of the resignation of Dr. Yates ( sic ) I have been induced to turn my professional views towards that place .
2 No , I was looking forward to the Open because I 'd been stationed at Formby for my army service and I was anticipating meeting all my old friends from that time .
3 Erm so that 's fine , to have a harsher lighting on his face is fine cos it does tend to show up the er the wrinkles in his forehead , under his eyes and his whiskers which is fine because when erm my old portraits of this nature , that 's the sort of thing you 're trying to emphasize .
4 Indeed , today , those evenings rank amongst my fondest memories from those times .
5 MicroProse Soccer is one of my favourite games of all time , a superbly playable sim of that ‘ funny old game ’ .
6 My friend the candidate , soon to be my hon. Friend the Member for Kincardine and Deeside , supports me and my hon. Friends on that policy as on so many other policies .
7 I am perhaps out of line with some of my hon. Friends in that I quite enjoyed the speech made by the Secretary of State for the Environment , who opened the debate for the Government .
8 But because you 're an old-fashioned , besotted old woman I 'll laugh at you while I tell you that your dear Andrew has not missed my wifely attentions at all .
9 My preconceived ideas about this course , which was held at Manchester University , were completely erased by the end of the first evening .
10 Erm , erm the first , finally liked to add that erm my personal thanks to all those who have taken part on the panel I 've found it immensely enriching and have been
11 Also , some cheeky oik ( ca n't remember his name ) asked me why I never put any of my personal scores in this section .
12 And of course I can assure him that a difference of opinion such as this will in no way undermine my personal relationships with any of my fellow professionals .
13 ‘ No , to be honest , I do n't look back on my early recordings with much pleasure .
14 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
15 ‘ My main aim when writing my essay ‘ Thoughtless ’ was to try to convey my exact feelings at that particular moment : to make the reader feel as guilty as I did .
16 Why I thank my lucky stars for this woman
17 This was to be the third of my many run-ins with that typically British authoritarian institution , which is never happy unless making trouble .
18 I finger the necklace often these days as I think of my many friends in that country .
19 I did n't dare leave my poor sods for more than split seconds . ’
20 I managed to introduce some of my gay friends to some of my college friends — some of my college friends also turned out to be gay .
21 I was sixteen without a care in the world and my only thoughts at that time were on how soon I could get hold of my own barrow .
22 To report my inner thoughts at such a moment of crisis must be to vex anyone who listens to this tape .
23 In such an ethic , my rational ends at any one time would be the goals , whether of long-term ambition or of momentary caprice , to which I spontaneously tend in the fullest awareness then available , and all my deliberate acts would be means to these ends .
24 " But one of my lasting memories of this match will be the spirit in which it was held .
25 To decide , I require not only facts but awareness of how it is likely to feel passing my declining years in that village , and for that I must try to achieve independence of my personal and present viewpoint , reduce it to equality with other viewpoints .
26 I listen to , and patiently explore , the feminist challenge in a forthcoming book , and will again spare you an airing of my own views on this occasion .
27 In my own investigations of many of these texts , I have noted additional examples .
28 I 'm perfectly capable of organising my own activities without any input from you . ’
29 quite a substantial , er amount of money which has got to be financed from my own funds on that .
30 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
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