Example sentences of "my [adj] [noun sg] [was/were] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My adoptive father was the son of a South Shields shipyard worker ; he had managed to get a job as an office boy .
2 My downhill skiing was a little rusty to say the least , but a few too many moons ago I 'd just about cracked parallel turns , and I felt in need of a brush up .
3 In my right hand was a small tray , and by tilting it in the breeze I found that I could obtain enough lift to get up to any height I wanted , and was soon soaring into the air , travelling at will .
4 I escaped with a few scars and I have no doubt that my greatest support was the knowledge that I was n't economically dependent on my family .
5 My elder sister was a pig to me .
6 My favourite expedition was the one I always made alone , to the farm .
7 My hon. Friend was a member of the committee .
8 When my hon. Friend was a Member of the European Parliament she did a tremendous amount of work to promote not only her region , but the concept of regional government for England .
9 My overall form was a bit scratchy . ’
10 My lowest ebb was a seven month spell
11 My second choice was the entry on " Acquisition of language " .
12 Even my second throw was a poor one .
13 My principal inheritance was a justification for any irresponsibility I cared to indulge in thereafter .
14 My principal reason was a very subjective one : I had , as an undergraduate , met with and remained a firm friend of one of the leading Ibos , Sir Louis Mbanefo , who had been knighted by the British government when he became the Chief Justice of Eastern Nigeria .
15 My photographic equipment was a bit limited by the fact that as a leader I was required to carry a heavy hunting rifle all the time we were ashore , just in case we met with a polar bear in a nasty mood .
16 To our philosophy teacher , Professor John Macmurray , I owed the perception that my chosen trade was a treacherous one if what you looked for was strict objectivity .
17 To my left hand was a small ledge and on it , rather surprisingly , a tortoise appeared .
18 My previous car was a direct competitor to the Clio , namely the new Rover Metro in 1.4-litre guise , and I ca n't help making comparisons .
19 Indeed , the furthest I had ever been in my pre-television life was a day trip to Loch Lomond on a bus .
20 My physical hunger could be quite quickly assuaged , my mental starvation was a different matter .
21 What bothered me most after my long absence were the forests of TV aerials on even the humblest dwellings .
22 My primary target was the heat-pain argument , and its conclusion : that heat , like pain , ‘ can not exist but in a mind perceiving it ’ .
23 My hydroponic life was the only kind with which I was happy , a gypsy trait from my Viking ancestry .
24 I sometimes think that this , the year of my sixth birthday was the happiest of my life .
25 I thought to myself , even as it happened , that this winking of my very self-consciousness was a nice expression of the value I represented .
26 One of the cases which made a deep impression early on in my homoeopathic career was the thirty-two-year-old male patient with the enlarged spleen whose story is presented in Chapter I. Meanwhile I was consistently impressed by the speed with which our surgical patients recovered following operation , and with the fact that very seldom did we have to catheterize our female patients after gynaecological operations .
27 Former women compositors remembered working mainly with other women but all referred to the men who " carried the formes for us " , or " carried away the type to put in galleys " , though one remarked " my immediate boss was a woman " .
28 My only protection was a battered trilby and an old raincoat that soon admitted defeat .
29 I was thinking it would be nice to spend some time travelling with someone else , to share the strain but , as we entered the darkness which had me constantly glancing up to check the shadow of my bag , my only companion was the bearded , dark-eyed twin who stared back at me from the occluded window .
30 My only reservation was the assumption that sleep would come .
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