Example sentences of "my [noun] [verb] i that " in BNC.

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1 My experience tells me that few teams have come from outside the top five after Christmas and won the League .
2 My experience tells me that we do not all have all the necessary skills to do all these jobs well — it is often a hit and miss affair , with much poor practice .
3 Although I was about to confront him , my experience told me that he was — well , I 've no words for it : on a different plane of reality .
4 And my sister told me that she met with him after Mass this morning and he gave her an envelope . "
5 My lover reminded me that I could feel and inspire desire , which proved highly reassuring and , ironically , put the spice back into my marriage .
6 In 1966 , soon after the book appeared , my agent told me that someone wanted to make a film out of it .
7 And that should inform your thinking when somebody rings you up and says , ‘ My editor tells me that this happened .
8 ‘ I began reading politics early on but also my parents taught me that the greatest value was compassion , which I undoubtedly linked to the Labour Party . ’
9 My daddy told me that tramps and people who have n't any money sometimes smoke cabbage-leaves and things like that instead of proper tobacco .
10 There was a knock on my door and my mother came into my room to tell me that she was going to work .
11 Oh I must n't lose that , my grandson bought me that in Greece Cos I 'm a pipe smoker and er , but it 's not a Zippo , and he got it very cheap English you see , but I 've knackered him you see , because I , he thinks I 've still got that , but I , I , I bought a Zippo one , and it 's , it 's the hippo , the Zippo one that 's in there the other one was fucking useless , well , it lasted for a couple of months , a few months , but er
12 My head tells me that the results are the truth .
13 My friend told me that Haavikko took a drink of some kind .
14 ‘ I seldom come out of my pulpit ’ , said Baxter , ‘ but my conscience smiteth me that I have been no more serious and fervent …
15 My conscience tells me that I owe it to God to be grateful to my father , who has spent his time unwearyingly upon my education , so that I may lighten his burden , look after myself and later on be able to support my sister …
16 Then a week later my wife told me that she 'd been abused by her brother .
17 My staff tell me that the elderly people have sort of taken to it like a duck to water almost .
18 ‘ Why did n't my father tell me that you were going to be here ? ’ she asked petulantly , thinking that at least he would only be around during the daytime , and she could avoid him completely without too much trouble .
19 My father told me that a woman 's body odour was the sexiest smell in the world . ’
20 My father told me that when Darwin 's Beagle appeared in their island channels , the Tierra del Fuegans did not even notice it because their imaginations could not grasp so vast a ship .
21 ‘ But my father told me that he had sold his interest in the business !
22 I have never forgotten that near the end of his life my Father told me that in his loneliness Basil was the one of his five children who had given him most sympathy and understanding .
23 My father told me that when he was young he got in a fight with someone and nearly killed him , and that the man swore vengeance .
24 My father taught me that there is only one thing more boring in life than listening to other people 's dreams and that is listening to stories about their operations ; and I only tell mine now because those I had during the early 1980s are as good an example as any of how modern medicine has helped to prolong life ; without them it is unlikely that I would be sitting here writing this .
25 My paper tells me that a dispute over pay between the leading British manufacturer of seaside rock and his chief sugar boiler has left the latter jobless and the former with umpteen sticks of rocks bearing the legend Mean Bastard all the way through .
26 When I visited the Edison National Historic Site a few years ago , my guide told me that the full resources of his employer ( the United States Government ) had failed to break one ; but to find out exactly what was inside the quarter-inch slab , they had borrowed a diamond saw and cut one in half .
27 ‘ I 'd promised I would never fall for the obvious attractions of another beautiful woman , but from the moment I held you in my arms my instinct told me that you were as different from Lotta as wine is from vinegar . ’
28 My daughter told me that I was chrome yellow , and a glance in the mirror proved her right .
29 Six months later my grandmother told me that I was going to join my parents and that she , too , was emigrating .
30 There was a note from Lisabeth Sellotaped to my door telling me that Frank had phoned and that Salome was ‘ comfortable ’ which was heaps better than ‘ stable ’ , and he 'd talked about her being moved to town .
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