Example sentences of "about what have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Sasaki had not looked outside the hospital all day ; the scene inside was so terrible and so compelling that it had not occurred to him to ask any questions about what had happened beyond the windows and doors .
2 The Levi who emerged from a regime of cruelty and humiliation with his judgement intact , his mind not closed , neither vengeful nor forgetful , and who wrote a noble and rational book about what had happened to him , is mentioned only cursorily and as if concessively by Fernanda Eberstadt .
3 Walking to the station , past the brightly-lit boutiques , cinemas , remainder bookshops and tatty souvenir stalls , all decorated for Christmas and building up to the January sales , she found herself having to think about what had happened to her .
4 It was then that I decided to learn more about what had happened to the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ by the shores of Loch Tummel , and during my research an amazing possibility dawned .
5 On the ferry coming home again a fortnight later , some French boys questioned her about what had happened to her hair .
6 You stated that the government did not care about what had happened to Kelly because she was Scottish .
7 ‘ There is a phone in number for viewers to air their opinions and he called in and said he was furious about what had happened to this poor woman and wanted to give her the money so she could buy presents for the boys .
8 So I thought about what had happened to me and to people I knew , and put it all in the book .
9 He was very angry at having been sent away and was very confused about what had happened to his mother .
10 I was really angry about what had happened to her and I used to take my anger out when I was in the car , driving really dangerously .
11 For one thing he was an impatient sort of eagle , inclined to get angry and feel insulted at the smallest thing ; for another — and this took Creggan a while to realize — he was preoccupied with thinking about what had happened to Minch , not daring to hope that what Creggan had so boldly said about her coming back was true .
12 So they sat wrapped in their own morbid silences , each harbouring his own private fear about what had happened to the village and how it could happen to them .
13 She gave me a lot of support , but felt really angry about what had happened to me — I was too exhausted to care .
14 Dr Neil knew that she was speaking the truth about what had happened to her .
15 John Kelsey-Fry , counsel for Marsh , said his client was the first of the two men to volunteer to be interviewed about what had happened to the missing money .
16 What could possibly give her a clue about what had happened at the flat in rue Roland ?
17 She knew she had to tell somebody about what had happened with the glass .
18 Parents ' main interest was seen as the opportunity to influence the quality of their children 's education … the view was expressed that the APM should be seen as the climax to a continuous relationship between various parties and an opportunity for them to come together and ask questions about what had happened over the course of the previous 12 months .
19 The woman had also been the nearest she could get to contrite about what had happened in her apartment .
20 Perhaps it was also something to do with the fact that this tall , blond Government man had corroborated his story about what had happened in the jeweller 's on that night .
21 Felix taught Sophie from books about what had happened in the world in the past .
22 ‘ And when you did , you did n't say a word about what had happened in there to anybody ! ’
23 No it 's down there , and in it er I wrote it last night actually when I was feeling pretty fucked off so it 's probably a bit out of order but I wrote to him and said erm tt Josh has been round this evening asking questions about what 's happened with his money erm and I think you 're really out of order .
24 I know she 's your sister and I 'm desperately sorry about what 's happened to her .
25 Jonathan and Sarah want to forget about what 's happened to them — and are now living in Gloucester .
26 What do you feel about what 's happened in the world ? 1989 !
27 They do n't really talk about what 's happened in the past , all they 're bothered about is what 's happening to them at present .
28 They do n't tell you anything about what 's needed in the future .
29 ‘ They know that while he is abroad he can not answer the questions about what has happened to the promised recovery . ’
30 Where do we shrug off the " I will if you will " tale of correlation and reach an actual decision about what has occurred on this occasion ?
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