Example sentences of "about what be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If your client is in a trade , say baking , then you must deal with his trade journals , Clients are sensitive enough about what is said about them in the consumer press but when negatives appear in their own trade journal , the sparks fly at your next client meeting .
2 This assumption can be made explicit by making literal use of an " existence predicate " , and sometimes any residual doubts about what is assumed on a particular occasion can be resolved only by a repeated and emphatic use of such predicates ; but , as is clear from what has been said so far , the use of such predicates is not analogous to acts of property ascription , especially if " properties " are understood in the sense of " accidental properties " .
3 Her initial task will be to try and regularise for us all the amount of information that we have about what is sent to which categories of all the Christian Aid materials and then go on to hopefully ‘ plug the gaps ’ in church contacts .
4 Before you start to make the invitations , discuss all the finer details about what is to go in them , then buy all the things you will need like coloured card , felt tip pens , sharp scissors , scotch tape , ruler , compass ( pair of compasses ) for making circles , and envelopes .
5 We leave that to the specialists , and indeed I think that the reason why we 're particularly concerned with disasters which happen in the poorer parts of the world , the developing countries , is because they seem to have less of a voice to be able to complain about what is done to them .
6 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
7 Unless or until we codify this agenda and give it meaning through our cooperative efforts , those of us who care about what is happening to the other animals will remain individual , separate gears that do not mesh .
8 Someone with early stages of brain failure can be very aware of it , and anxious about what is happening to him/her .
9 People should feel as if there is something wrong with this and be upset about what is happening to them .
10 Nor , indeed , does it say anything about what is happening to manufacturing itself .
11 However , she said : ‘ The caring 90s is a current media theme , and has more to do with caring about what is happening to the British society and what can be done about it , than about spending more to underpin the disadvantaged and the dependent . ’
12 They are , most often , more frightened than anyone else about what is happening to them .
13 The Minister , however , does not give a damn about what is happening to people on the lowest incomes ; he does not even understand what is happening to local government .
14 People are more wary about what is happening into our planet and how we should go about things , and how we should be perceived to be going about things .
15 Many inexperienced pilots do not even consider what the situation is going to be and only think about what is happening at that moment .
16 If I ca n't read or understand something in the paper he discusses it with me — about what is happening in the country or the community or about what politics can mean .
17 Two of the best pieces here are Emeric Pressburger 's entrancing memoir of his Berlin hobo days in the 1920s , and the cinematographer Nestor Almendros 's insights into what a woman needs to become a screen goddess ; neither helps justify the book 's claim to be about what is happening in movies now .
18 Bragg , who was once chief scientist at Rolls-Royce , works for the Science and Engineering Research Council , telling firms in the eastern part of Britain about what is happening in university research .
19 The political situation in Zaire , however , continues to be oppressive , and the country 's churches are battling against enormous odds in their attempts to keep the population informed about what is happening in their country .
20 I think you have seen already the EOC 's concern expressed about what is happening in things like women 's centres .
21 In so far as the letters make statements about what is happening in the territory of some foreign state , such letters may not be the best evidence ; but as regards the question whether Her Majesty 's Government has dealings with the foreign government it will almost certainly be the best and only conclusive evidence of that fact .
22 The answer to this question depends upon the amount of information that people have about what is happening in the economy .
23 As background , there is no doubt that many black , Asian and Jewish British people are deeply concerned at racial attacks in the United Kingdom and even more concerned about what is happening in continental Europe .
24 We shall continue to monitor the situation and the NDO would welcome comments and feedback about what is happening in your locality .
25 The growing trend in directors ' personal liability , which some would argue assumes a superhuman omniscience about what is happening within the company at all times , means an effective plan driving awareness and responsibility down through the organisation is increasingly essential .
26 What the Government 's proposals offer is not only the chance to seize the initiative from Mrs Thatcher on this front , but to begin to think carefully about what is meant regarding the devolution of power .
27 However , there is a different form of uncertainty that can not possibly help the theist 's case , and that is uncertainty about what is meant by talking about God .
28 There clearly is much disagreement among academics and professionals about what is meant by ‘ truancy ’ .
29 At the moment , I will be fairly casual about what is meant by " natural monopoly " , because the matter is covered in detail in chapter 2 .
30 This raises further issues about what is meant by the ‘ importance of manufacturing ’ , and how it should be measured , to which we shall return later .
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