Example sentences of "about [pers pn] [that] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was what we were told about them that made us frightened .
2 ‘ Was there anything at all about them that struck you as odd ? ’
3 Ward was still asleep when I turned right and headed eastwards towards the Andes , the mist a white vapour , the rice fields , the cacti , the occasional trees , all having a weirdness about them that matched my mood and added to my growing fear of what lay ahead , beyond the mountains I could not see .
4 ‘ I vowed to myself not to do this yet , but there 's something about you that melts my sternest resolutions . ’
5 ‘ I 've been telling myself I would n't let this happen , ’ he rasped , ‘ but there 's something about you that drives me to the edge of my control . ’
6 I 've heard things about you that make my stomach turn !
7 He stared at her , and there was an arrogance about him that made her shiver .
8 There was a Puritan austerity about him that made one doubt whether he ever enjoyed anything at all .
9 He was never going to be Pavarotti , but there was something about him that made him great . ’
10 ‘ There was something about him that made me know he was the best revue star we had . ’
11 With a feeling of despair she knew there was altogether too much about him that attracted her , that made her want to respond .
12 Tall , lean-hipped and broad-shouldered , he seemed to tower over everyone else , and once again there was that air of casual elegance about him that had her looking him over with her heart in her mouth .
13 There was something about him that set him apart from the other men in the room .
14 His shoulders were tense and there was an air of waiting about him that troubled her .
15 ‘ And Mrs McDougall told you something about him that changed your minds ? ’
16 There was too much of the outlaw about him that held its own fascination .
17 There was a look about her that said everything , and Jenna did n't need it spelt out .
18 The girl had something — quite apart from her natural grace and outstanding good looks , quite apart from the lithe , leggy body that was simply made for modelling , there was a quality about her that made her stand out from all the others girls in the class , which drew the eye and held it , so that even someone as cynical as Arlene looked and wanted to go on looking .
19 He could not see her face , since it was turned from him , but there was something about her that made his heart stand still .
20 Since Paul 's departure — she grimaced at the memory — Dinah had been able to do as she liked with it , and she liked to have objects about her that reminded her of herself .
21 There was something about it that made it different and she did not know if it was a horse in a class of its own or if that was the rider .
22 There was a sensuousness about it that filled him with a desire to run shouting across it , to roll in it , to bury his face in it and sniff life out of its roots , to draw up his childhood from the green stems , to lie supine and shade his eyes from the sun and dream himself back into nature .
23 She had never particularly liked the church as a building — there was a coldness and lack of ‘ atmosphere ’ about it that had nothing to do , she felt sure , with the wealthy congregation .
24 ‘ It would have been a crime completely out of character , ’ he told me , ‘ and it was the way he spoke about it that convinced me . ’
25 The rain had a fine and penetrating quality about it that reminded him of the oil you squirt from an aerosol can .
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