Example sentences of "about [pers pn] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Incidentally , much of the success of direct mail lies in the fact that , apart from bills , most of the population get no mail at all and people are delighted to get a letter that expresses interest in them , concern about them and opens the door for further contact and involvement .
2 An annual employee profile is issued to each employee showing the information held about him/her and giving the employee the opportunity to make known any inaccuracies .
3 Toby had n't had time to try the ‘ exclusive ’ story on the dirty mac brigade and they clustered about me and shouted the usual obvious questions .
4 And somethin' else — ’ There was an excitement about him that showed the boy behind the man .
5 He decided to consult Mr Dixon , his English teacher , who was also his counsellor and , therefore , knew more about him than did the other teachers .
6 I fantasise about him and get the shakes when he 's in the room .
7 Even his mother , Grandma Williams — who was ending her days boasting to people in the pub about her famous grandson , telling distant relatives who suddenly appeared out of the woodwork about him and regaling the family with stories about her strange neighbours — became scared of him .
8 These crags are already equipped , and there 's nothing you can do about it except enjoy the security .
9 If this behavior is inherent in the sample , very little can be done about it except to change the exciting wavelength to one that reduces the effect .
10 I actually ran onto the green and asked if they realised this , but they said they had talked about it but rejected the idea .
11 And there was something about it that froze the blood , even before he woke up and knew it was real .
12 But they are not renowned for their adventurousness and the final product has an arbitrary dullness about it that suggests the product of a predictable corporate culture .
13 ‘ I put in a TOP TIP about it and got the go-ahead to install Kan-Krushers at 18 different points on the site .
14 ‘ Please do n't become bourgeois about it and send the vice squad round : we 've enough troubles .
15 If the Government claim that the health service is safe in their hands , will they do something about it and provide the resources , so that hospitals — particularly in the Edinburgh area — are given the back-up that they deserve ?
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