Example sentences of "about [pers pn] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They gathered their filthy , scant rags about them and screamed at me to go away , their putrid breath freezing on their blue lips .
2 When you have both finished , talk about them and think of ways in which each of them could be improved .
3 While equally the white lesbian sister has got to understand that while she 's unified with this Asian lesbian sister there are differences , there are differences some of which are good and some of which are bad , and we have to be frank about them and to struggle around them because we ca n't just pretend that they do n't exist , then we 're not going to reach anywhere .
4 I 'll ask him all about them and look at them but I keep putting off buying them .
5 She surprised herself , the words came out , she had not thought about them or thought at all about this subject .
6 I was thinking about his while stuck in a traffic jam the other day .
7 ‘ I 've never wanted anyone this much — to the extent that I can disregard everything I know about you and believe about myself …
8 He thinks about you and prays for you all the time .
9 There was a warmth and a charm about him that made for easy relations with most people , even the press , and they helped him build up the confidence that was needed all round .
10 There was a cold elegance about him that contrasted with the brashness of the others .
11 There was a virility about him that showed in his every movement .
12 Now the the girls did n't know it was there and it 's a good job that they were n't talking about him or talking about anybody .
13 All the stories I 'd read about him and heard about him from other caddies were true !
14 The club are thinking about him and rooting for him . ’
15 He felt his way along the narrow walk of the triforium to the distant end , close to the east window that showed a shapely pattern of starry lancets against the blackness ; and there he wrapped his cloak about him and huddled into the corner with his back against the wall .
16 What 's the betting he 's up to no good , and that he felt Dan Pearson got to know too much about him and needed to be silenced ? ’
17 There was something of kinship about her that registered on a purely instinctive level , and in a way that the thing could not interpret .
18 She had a poise about her that spoke of some sort of inner peace and Jenna 's mind went back to her own mother — the beauty , the restless energy , the quick , sharp voice .
19 He pushed the box further back on the table , then put his arm about her and gazing into her face , said , ‘ I worry about nothing , not a thing .
20 There was something about it that tugged for attention .
21 It was not particularly large or splendid , and yet it had a warmth and charm and dignity about it that appealed to Charity immediately .
22 Now , shall we forget about it and concentrate on enjoying the Park while we are still allowed in it ? ’
23 Do n't tell me to forget about it and go to sleep .
24 It has a peculiarly romantic ring about it and refers to ‘ special protection , opportunities and facilities to enable them to develop in a healthy and normal manner in freedom and dignity ’ , to ‘ special treatment , education and care ’ and ‘ love and understanding and an atmosphere of affection and security ’ .
25 Think about it and try in a different way another time .
26 I tried to forget about it and to go about my routine day as usual .
27 He says they know about it and work in most cases is underway .
28 I think that 's an extremely good point actually , because of course , when one thinks about it and looks at it , there are many many things which are happening in today 's world which are disasters .
29 Er nevertheless , under P P G guidance , erm advice , the new settlement is a strategic issue and therefore it 's right and proper to think about it and look at look at it and try to determine whether it is possible to give guidance on a district location through this through through through this debate .
30 People ringing up about it and talking about it all the time are n't they ?
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