Example sentences of "time and [adv] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But we felt better organised this time and again we felt very pleased with it as still only our second attempt .
2 Time and again we 've been through all that .
3 Time and again we find him casting out unclean spirits from afflicted people : it is one of the well-known characteristics of Mark 's Gospel which on the whole contains little teaching , but a great deal of action by Jesus .
4 Time and again we have seen large country houses taken over for institutional use , whether as corporate headquarters or hospitals .
5 Time and again we have scooped our rivals with the top stories and pictures .
6 Time and again we have put down the markers and placed on record that we would regard it as a perfectly reasonable alternative to what exists now if there were a series of companies throughout Scotland which represented the ownership of those at present employed by the Scottish Bus Group under the same conditions as at present and with the same commitment to the current level of services .
7 Time and again we have heard tonight — especially from the hon. Member for Withington — about shortfall and about the measures that we should take to meet it .
8 Time and again we stopped , hearts beating , the hair on our necks prickling with fear at the eerie , creaking sounds which seemed to match our every move .
9 In respect of in public services , it was a minefield for a long time and perhaps we did not react as we should have done in the early eighties .
10 Nex anyway it 's quite near Portsmouth and we heard that the first Queen Elizabeth ship , they do n't say it 's the first but they call this one the Q E Two but there was a Q E One , you see at one time and so we took a coach from there to Southampton because we heard that she was in dock there and so we went and there were crowds of people and all in a queue waiting to go in .
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