Example sentences of "time of [noun] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But by the time of Charlemagne the majority of warriors were on horseback , though it is not clear if they actually fought from horseback or if they used the horses simply as rapid transport for traditional Frankish foot soldiers .
2 At this time of night the street was quiet : the occasional car , and now and then a group of rowdy youths asserting their masculinity like stags in rut .
3 At time of publication the ALP had won 14 seats , the Liberals 12 , the Nationals one , and the Country Liberal Party one ; 12 seats remained undecided .
4 At the time of publication the county courts in London have yet to adopt this rate , but it is submitted that there can be little real argument that the same rate should not be applied .
5 But at this time of year the bracken and undergrowth is tinder dry .
6 At that time of year the sun was so low that it shone directly into the livingroom during the whole of its brief traverse of the horizon .
7 At that time of year the weather should be quite warm and dry , but you 'll need a jersey , windproofs , and a pair of long trousers , plus a summer-season sleeping bag or similar .
8 At this time of year the process of decaying old vegetation will also deplete oxygen when it may already be in short supply .
9 He says that at this time of year the undergrowth is tinder dry .
10 If I return to the matter of improving liaison is it possible that I might be provided with a list of the names of the various staff that serve the Branch and also the names of the Committee members- and this updated at whatever time of year the membership changes .
11 ‘ By this time of year the table does n't lie and they are there on merit .
12 Section 663 provides that where there is a settlement , and during the life of the settlor any income is paid to or for the benefit of a child of the settlor in any year of assessment , the income shall , if at the time of payment the child is unmarried and below the age of 18 , be treated as the settlor 's income and not the income of any other person .
13 Unfortunately nowhere in any of their literature does it actually say what time of day the seminar is .
14 For example , in the fastest city of them all — which turned out to be Boston , not New York , which was third after Buffalo — the researchers noted that to get the exact time of day the telephone company requires you to dial N-E-R-V-O-U-S .
15 Frequently they give her the exact day they decided life was not worth living , and sometimes even the time of day the decision was made .
16 If all these subjects had had endometriosis at the time of removal the rate in current and recent users would rise to 0.42 per 1000 woman years ( from 0.22 ) and the relative risk would be non-significant at 0.7 ( from 0.4 ) .
17 At the time of manufacture the foil would obviously become mixed with other materials .
18 At the time of construction the bridge had the distinction of being the largest swing bridge in the United Kingdom .
19 At the time of Domesday the manor was not unlike a small kingdom or a dominion within which the lord was a superior over subjects of different ranks , his power though being not absolute but according to custom and law .
20 Again , it is a peculiarity of unfair dismissal law that an industrial tribunal does not have the power to consider the fairness of dismissal where at the time of dismissal the employer was conducting a lockout or the employee was taking part in a strike or other industrial action .
21 The face is dished , like that of the Jersey , and it probably has some Jersey blood from the nineteenth century , while the brindling probably comes from the old Normandy Isigny variety , a good butter producer and big enough to be used as a draught ox on Alderney and Guernsey , whither it was taken by monks in the time of William the Conqueror .
22 Peer back to the time of William the Conqueror who gave the Isle of Holderness to a knight ‘ well tried in feats of arms ’ , Drogo de Bevere .
23 The first was that , since the eleventh century , the kings of England had been lords of much of north-western France , an area extending from Normandy ( in the time of William the Conqueror ) through Maine , Anjou , Touraine , and Poitou to the duchy of Aquitaine which , a century later , Henry II had come to control through his marriage to the duchess , Eleanor , previously the wife of Louis VII of France .
24 One of the Romans city , so you can pick out some Roman traces , one of the erm the er er Viking city , one of what happened in the Norman period the eleventh century , time of William the Conqueror and the two castles and the big er erm abbeys he put up , and finally the medieval city .
25 The first verbal description we have of this scene of Wagnerian grandeur dates from 1481 when William of Worcester ( despite his name a Bristolian born and bred ) described the camp on the Clifton side as ‘ founded before the time of William the Conqueror by Saracens or Jews or by one Ghyst a giant in the land . ’
26 Two years later the Americans quietly dropped the whole issue and the , the UN returned to normal but by that time of course the situation had become what it was , er er a war .
27 Two years later the Americans quietly dropped the whole issue and the , the UN returned to normal but by that time of course the situation had become what it was , er er a war .
28 Where the business association takes the form of a partnership , a writ or originating summons can be served on any one or more of the partners ; at the principal place of business of the partnership within the jurisdiction on any person having at the time of service the control or management of the partnership business there ; or by sending a copy of the document by post to the firm at that principal place of business .
29 During the Time of Troubles the patriarchate ( established in 1589 ) became a vital focus of authority .
30 Easter alternative AS AN alternative to chocolate eggs , try a simnel cake , said to be an Easter favourite since the time of Edward the Confessor .
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