Example sentences of "time [to-vb] it [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But neither he nor Laura had time to oversee it properly and the first few months were disastrous .
2 Please take the time to fill it in and return it to the address below by June 1 1992 .
3 Honestly Paul you wo n't have time to do it tomorrow and Sunday well you can work 'till nine o'clock tonight .
4 Reced er the precedent for the situation that we are in now , yes indeed there is one and it was when er the Labour government was last in power in nineteen seventy eight , when we had er er er to er set up the European constituencies we had a limited time to do it in and all the countries in Europe had to agree to bring forward the same kind of agreement and put it into effect at the same time .
5 If the ‘ hold ’ is set to give a safe idle , there should still be plenty of time to switch it off and recover even if you make a complete mess of things .
6 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
7 Dad that , they ca n't have toast cos there 's bread in the freezer and it 's , there 's not enough time to get it out and defrost it .
8 He had n't suggested the film might not come out although she could n't have had time to develop it yet and she was n't working through a ‘ friend ’ sent round to sympathise with him deplore the whole thing and assure him it could be stopped if he 'd only tell that terrible woman one little thing … ’ — And since I 'm not married or anything I thought I 'd stick to the personal angle .
9 I doubt if Calder will take it any further once he 's had time to think it over and realise how upset you were .
10 ‘ I 've had time to think it well and truly through in what has been the longest three quarters of an hour of my life between phone call and you getting here — and it just has to be you .
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