Example sentences of "have [vb pp] up [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In July 1990 , he grabbed the last qualifying place for the World Championship cycle in a hard-fought tournament in Manila by defeating Mikhail Gurevich , one of Kasparov 's former trainers , in the final game from a position most players would have given up as a draw .
2 Bourgeois , even liberal , France , would never have given up without a fight .
3 Connors said the guy must have curled up into a ball and hidden in a waste-basket .
4 However , by handling the machine with some software , Comet Data could have come up with a real bargain .
5 But most readers of this book will have grown up in a society in which the major comparable distinction is between kin and non-kin , and in which it is assumed , or even insisted upon , that kin relationships ought not to enter into the non-kin sphere at all .
6 They said that a state of infinite density might occur only if the galaxies were moving directly toward or away from each other ; only then would they all have met up at a single point in the past .
7 The way the ground just curled up at the edges until you lost sight of it , we could n't have crept up on a hunk of soya . ’
8 Expenditure on the programme will have built up to a minimum of £200,000 a year by 1986/87 .
9 By then governments may have woken up to a yet more radical option .
10 Actually it was lucky that we went right over all three lanes of the motorway , there was a lot of people behind us , but luckily they saw the tyres , and they backed off , but we could have finished up in a real
11 Immigrant doctors in Britain may silently have put up with a lot of it in the past , but those born and educated in Britain have every right to expect that they will be judged strictly on merit .
12 Lydia , picturing Hywel 's dark eyes , thought that he 'd probably have put up with a great deal rather than have strangers in his house .
13 Dozens of men with hand tools may have taken up to a year to dig out the brook banks and build arches and canal on top .
14 None of them has been met , yet today he says that he would have signed up to a single currency without any opt-out clause .
15 Might have ended up with a house like this , ’ he added with a laugh .
16 The ankle muscles were holding the foot in an almost normal position — oblivious to the fact that the joints had nothing to rest on , that this was a classic case of a boy who would normally have ended up with a club foot .
17 The 24-year-old buxom blonde who ‘ gave her favours freely to young village schoolboys ’ was told by Mr Justice Sheldon , ‘ If a man had behaved in the same way with girls of this age he would have ended up with a long prison sentence ’ .
18 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
19 Oddly enough , Stirling might well have ended up as a brigadier with an even larger command .
20 With hindsight , it was probably the best thing that could have happened to him , otherwise he would no doubt have ended up as a Bomber Pilot , and no-one knows better than I what a dead-end occupation that was .
21 They may not have made him the finest British light comedian since his hero David Niven , but at least they rescued him from an uncertain future in Britain where he may have ended up as a cross between Roy Castle and Ronnie Corbett .
22 Many of them must have ended up in a British soldier 's mess-tin .
23 Had it not been for human kindess he would have ended up in a pork pie .
24 Otherwise , with all those emotions swirling around inside , I might have ended up in a mental hospital banging my head against a wall , screaming ‘ mama' . ’
25 I should have dressed up like a 1970s saloon bar Tory and asked Sigourney about her baby , her husband and her miscarriage .
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