Example sentences of "have [been] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In such cases virtually the whole award would have been for pain and suffering .
2 So , I think that in the opinion of Miller the family was the most important thing for B. and should have been for Eddie and all parents , but the priority for Catherine was her own life and I think that as far as Miller is concerned she is right , because she has a whole future ahead of her while B. and Eddie have settled down .
3 Enthusiastic as some of the clergy may have been for war and seduced as they sometimes were by their own eloquence and propaganda for it , they were less eager about the burdens which it entailed .
4 Time enough and soon enough to greet them in the morning 's light when the men would have said their prayers and the womenfolk would have been to Mass and a stranger with a fiddle might be a welcome diversion from the day 's chores .
5 If I had been of the view , which I am not , that it was open to the rule making authority , whether by accident or design , in any way to remove powers which the Act has given to the court , I should still have been of opinion that the judge had the powers which he clearly wished to have .
6 In practice it is difficult to locate these points , as the foot of the old cliff ( O on Fig. 9.18 ) may be obscured by talus or , more often , modified by erosion , in which case it may have been at A and the former cliff be represented by AH .
7 Plainly national security can not have been at stake since that had already been damaged .
8 Welsh rulers , with whom Offa may have been at war and who possibly ruled in British territory subject to him , could have been among the kings of the Scots ( Irish ) who recognized the lordship of Charlemagne .
9 Previously , my close relationships would have been with people where we would perhaps be living together or just lovers , but they would have been quite explicit that they would have been non-monogamous .
10 ‘ We get dads coming along who might have been into Cream and they bring their son who 's wearing a Megadeth T-shirt — the common link is Hendrix . ’
11 I told you I sleep in that chair , did n't I ? — It must have been about midnight because I 'd just watched this film and that did n't finish until half eleven .
12 I mention Husserl because I think that it may have been via Husserl that Wittgenstein acquired his own interest in intentionality .
13 In a way I suppoise it was quite fortunate as we would have been without speed and wallace , who have now got a longer recovery period — as have all the other cripples that we 're carrying .
14 Normally , the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light .
15 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending which I think is what is about is suggesting , if carried on properly on the market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the Financial Institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
16 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending , which I think is what Good is abou is suggesting , if carried on properly on market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the financial institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
17 In three years times all of the new C P O's will have been on courses and probably most of them will have been on A L O courses .
18 At about the same time as he issued his threat of deposition to all the abbots of Normandy , he ordered Anselm to send him his Monologion and Proslogion , perhaps initially for censure , and it may have been through Hugh that Gregory VII knew Anselm 's works .
19 A COUPLE of Hail Marys might have been in order as the first-night audience left Dario Fo 's Vatican farce , The Pope and the Witch , which opened at the Comedy Theatre , London , on Monday .
20 A decade earlier their husbands would have been in sweaters or soft collars .
21 If I had been a marquis , I felt , I would still have been in bed or perhaps just parting the curtains and peering out to see what kind of day it was But Lord Hulton worked all the time , just about as hard as any of his men .
22 Then having to kill forty minutes when he could have been in bed and now this : the delay in visiting the dry cleaner 's meant a vital piece of evidence might have been destroyed .
23 The square piano , mentioned above , signed ‘ Gottfried Silbermann , fevr. 1749 ’ was probably made by Johann Gottfried , so Stein would have been in Strasbourg when this instrument with the German action but no escapement was finished .
24 We all knew why : left with Mum they would have been in pawn before we had the chance to wear them .
25 Since , as will be seen , Molla Fenari had almost certainly gone to Egypt for further study by that date , it follows that if Husameddin is right , it must have been in Amasya that Molla Fenari studied under Cemaleddin Aksarayi .
26 If the sergeant had caught you there , you 'd have been in trouble because you were n't flogging the beat .
27 Marling already occupied Pitts Mill and may well have been in Freames as well .
28 Zoo staff said rare animals could have been killed in the attack and warned that the gang members would have been in danger if any of the animals had managed to escape .
29 ‘ My house has been broken into , my sister and I could have been in danger and all you 're concerned about is whether or not I would have shot the bastard who did it . ’
30 The death of Robert Bowes must have been in mind when a warning was incorporated into the questionnaire : " … sundrie accidents may befall fitt for you to observe , and search out … "
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