Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably the library should at least have highlighted it in some way such as printing it in red , on the front of the delivery note , perhaps with a large red hand pointing to it .
2 For all she knows , the social services could have given me to another family .
3 But could he have heard it from this room ?
4 Her stepfather , who had been there since he left home , drinking coffee and mineral water and reading the papers , turned his chair slightly , so that she would not be able to see his face , supposing that one adult male back would look much like another to those of Camille 's generation : his wife , he thought , would have recognized him from any angle .
5 Slater glanced at Graham , " Sara and I were next-door neighbours for a while , I do believe our parents may even have intended us for each other at one time , without actually saying anything about it , of course . "
6 This remodelling might also be contemporary with the decision to provide earthwork defences , though it could have preceded it by several years on current dating evidence ; either way , such changes mark a significant watershed in the town 's development and pose important questions about its status and function .
7 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
8 You would n't have expected it at all .
9 But why should he have considered me at all ?
10 On her return to Austria , she was careful to keep her new hobby a secret from her parents , who ‘ would not have considered it at all a proper pastime for a young girl ’ .
11 Stephen Scobie , in emphasising the motif of sainthood in Leonard 's writing , completely omits reference to this key Jewish emphasis , which would have prevented him from some of his more questionable comments , such as the reference to them as ‘ social outcasts ’ .
12 ‘ I 'm sure he could have saved him with all the modern equipment we have .
13 they 'd have saved it for some empty classroom
14 She 'd have turned me into another of her tasteless folk stories , I expect !
15 You know they could have shot me for that .
16 Some memory must have stabbed him at that moment .
17 It turned out that she did n't realise they were down , but thinks she must have pushed them into that position when dropping the ribber .
18 Oh , sure , it 'll take long enough to complete , but another couple of levels — not difficult to program once the initial stage has been coded — would have pushed it into another league entirely .
19 The wasp will remember exactly what to do at each burrow , according to its stage in the cycle , and the number of caterpillars it already contains , even though she may not have visited it for several days .
20 ‘ She could not say nay ; and she must needs do his bidding ; and yet she would not have done it for all this world .
21 He would n't have done it for most people .
22 At A level , I toyed with the idea of doing physics , maths and English , and if I was just doing it for pure enjoyment I would have done it at that stage .
23 ‘ She never would have done it without such easy access to a gun ’ Woman used jail issue weapon to take her own life
24 If she could have wiped his memory as well as her own , she 'd have done it without any hesitation , and at whatever cost .
25 I should never have done it on that day . ’
26 In fact , if I had n't been living here I doubt they would have noticed us at all !
27 Frederica said obviously that the sky and the sea and the boats were uncannily like Van Gogh , and Hodgkiss said that of course they would never have seen them in this way before he saw them .
28 I 'm very sorry , ’ said Breeze sedately , ‘ that you should have seen me in that cowardly moment . ’
29 She must have seen it on some of the murdered woman 's belongings when you first entered the priory but she probably could not place it immediately .
30 I would n't have seen you for another hour .
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