Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The staff regarded the administration as ‘ firm but fair ’ , and most seemed to appreciate what a younger and better educated workforce might have regarded as a somewhat paternalistic attitude .
2 He knew no English and took no interest in what he must have regarded as a far flung outpost of his Angevin Empire — except for the revenues it could bring .
3 Shame they could n't have stumbled upon a more dramatic way of doing it .
4 They must have fallen from a very great height to end up like that !
5 Stewart slotted in well in his first full game and Liverpool should have won by a much bigger margin .
6 Against Tipperary , Galway showed superb resilience and determination , quenching the fire and verve of Babs ' Keating 's side to such an extent that they could and should have won by a much greater margin .
7 In fact , the Old Boys should have won by an even bigger margin as they missed almost as many chances as they converted .
8 The alternative approach of defining one or more new registers was rejected because of the complexity it would have added to an already complex set of algorithms .
9 He may have come as a very self- satisfied person , after all , socially , he had made it .
10 The timing of the announcement could not have come at a more politically sensitive time .
11 I felt … well , the offer could n't have come at a more opportune time , could it ? ’
12 The eve of the second anniversary of Maxwell 's death could n't have come at a more crucial time for the pensioners who travelled to London today .
13 His return to Eaton Park could scarcely have come at a more opportune moment considering that Gordon Hamilton , Stuart Laing , Norman Robson and Davy Nicholl have all moved on during the close season .
14 I might have wished for a little less detachment in the Rodrigo ( the adagio in particular is rather cool ) , but the Villa-Lobos offerings suit Kraft down to the ground .
15 Charlie could have wished for a more cloudy night .
16 Although , at that moment I could have done with a little less myself .
17 I could have done with a little more natural variation in the sound , but seeing that all Kirk is probably going to do with it is leave it on the neck pickup , knock all the middle off at the amp and turn it up to an excruciating volume , it does n't have to be the most variable guitar in the world .
18 Not a cloud , not a shiver of cold air , though Liz for one could have done with a little less heat , as she wiped the sweat from her brow and sought the shade of a chestnut tree .
19 Given the benefit of hindsight , Scotland could have done with a more demanding opening and might also have deployed the likes of Murry Walker and Carl Hogg first out , instead of waiting for the taxing fixture against Nadroga .
20 The use of robots in manufacturing industry is an often-quoted example of job destruction ( or , as we might have said in a more optimistic era , job saving ) .
21 Schemes such as the furniture stores would have operated at a much more modest level whereas now they are the main providers of this service in the city .
22 He had a soft manner , a hard mind and a lean body ; his extraordinary combination of merits and ambition would have ensured that , had Richard been born into any other family in Britain , he would have risen to an equally exalted position in the world .
23 Mind you , the combination of a few too many pints before the game and only being able to see about 3/4 of the pitch would n't have made for a very comprehensive report anyway !
24 Nonetheless , the farmers could have bought at a slightly higher price certified seed , which , being certified , was less likely to be suffering from the virus which affected the seed actually bought .
25 It is accordingly unnecessary to indicate the actual extent of disclosures made at the appeal hearing or the consequences that that might have had upon a differently based immunity claim .
26 I could have thought of a marginally more interesting way for us to spend the evening together , but it would have been harder to review .
27 If curve A in Figure 6.9 applies to Mercury then the erasure of craters must have occurred throughout a fairly extended period during the final stages of formation .
28 In the end , of course , lack-lustre Palace could not hold him and , although discerning fans then thought he could have played in a much higher grade , he subsequently had a successful career with stronger clubs in the 3rd Division South , Bournemouth and Reading .
29 To attribute these characteristics to English is not , then , ‘ neutral ’ , even if it may have derived from a genuinely detached ‘ academic ’ inquiry .
30 In fact , you 're probably thinking that it could n't have arrived at a less propitious moment . ’
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