Example sentences of "have [pron] do [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The words quoted from the will have nothing to do with a trust , according to Scaevola .
2 But I knew that the sounds I had heard could have nothing to do with a servant 's dream .
3 If the LEA were to lay down as a condition of grant that we should have nothing to do with the University body , we should refuse the grant , and I do not see why Universities should not show the same loyalty to us .
4 Thus , the occurrence of a quasiregular singularity in region IV can have nothing to do with the relaxation of the continuity conditions across the boundaries .
5 The reasons why your results look better or worse than another company 's may have nothing to do with the quality of your performance .
6 Does the difference really have nothing to do with the construction of a dominant identity for males and a subordinate one for females ?
7 The Marshal roared into the distance for Lorenzini and then said : ‘ It looks as if this might have nothing to do with the kidnapping . ’
8 More prosperous hamlets would have nothing to do with the inhabitants and , but for the Community 's care , many would have starved or died prematurely .
9 " I tell you I 'll have nothing to do with the place , " said Fiver .
10 This is the more important part of the capital/income confusion in public sector organizations : agreement on the irrelevance of income as a performance measure can often be readily obtained because service provision may have nothing to do with the profit motive ; on the other hand , all organizations have capital of some sort .
11 ‘ But whatever it is , it can have nothing to do with the death of the Pitts . ’
12 ‘ I would have nothing to do with the Prince or his catamite ! ’
13 It will have nothing to do with the lecture but simply to impress those that my vocabulary is very wide .
14 Harriet sensing , quite rightly , that this must have something to do with a man , failed to receive any response to the most careful attempts to discover what was wrong .
15 ‘ Boggers ’ ( no , I do n't know why , though I suspect it may have something to do with a haircut that bears a passing resemblance to a bogbrush ) may have a couple of incisive seasons left in him at best , but opponents will rarely get a moment 's peace when he combines with Bicknell and Waqar Younis next year .
16 Cynics have pointed out that this might have something to do with the toll .
17 She finds it hard to explain why , but ponders that it may have something to do with the religious faith she grew up with .
18 All this may have something to do with the conference 's unpublicised preliminary meeting which was held in London at the beginning of October .
19 Their manager 's distress on hearing the draw could have something to do with the fact that Messiahs are not usually expected to rework old miracles .
20 It must have something to do with the way the language heaps noun upon noun .
21 The fact that Limone is so relaxing may have something to do with the proven fact that statistically , the residents of Limone live longer , with lower incidents of stress or heart disease !
22 It may have something to do with the different preparation and coating techniques of the lacquer painters .
23 Compton-Hall believes it may have something to do with the strong magnetic field found inside .
24 Its popularity in Mediterranean food may have something to do with the reputation of the Latin Lover .
25 Maybe it 's the transformers , because they must have something to do with the sound .
26 OK , I suspect that Ms O'Connor 's motive for using the photo might have something to do with the sales of her last two singles .
27 This may have something to do with the fact that ‘ Tubular Bells ’ was a labour of love , and ‘ II ’ is a determined effort to reclaim past glories and make a wad .
28 But that might have something to do with the fact that I , myself , am Pakistani .
29 It may indeed have something to do with the thoroughly ambivalent American attitude towards FI racing , for there is a golden rule in American sporting life : if it ai n't American , it ai n't real .
30 The disproportionately large numbers of recruits from Cheshire , and the martial reputation that the men from that county acquired , may have something to do with the successful recruiting drives organized by the Black Prince , who was Earl of Chester as well as Prince of Wales ; but it also , perhaps , reflected the problems of underemployment in a predominantly pastoral society .
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