Example sentences of "into my [noun pl] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 This was the first time she had come into my thoughts since I left England .
2 Then the sun got into my tears and I could n't see anything , just a blinding coloured rinse .
3 Dinkie curlers stabbed their way into my dreams as I slept
4 She 'd always run into my arms when I did that so I could lift her up , but she do n't do it this time .
5 She ran into my arms and I held her close .
6 I was well into my teens before I even knew there was a word to describe these secret feelings I had , let alone that they had been legislated against .
7 Although I was still barely into my teens when I was spending this time with Maureen tending sick birds , I learned a lot about general care and identification — even if we failed to spot our Russian defector .
8 It would have been quite possible to put something into the pockets of my dressing gown and then put it back into my clothes when I took the dressing gown off .
9 He played right into my hands and I then said , ‘ There is no such thing as political theory in Ireland , just different gangs that compete with each other and reward their followers if they win and punish those who did n't vote for them , if they lose . ’
10 I concluded that I had done enough and was getting ready to sidle away when a servant pushed a large bucket of water into my hands and I realised that , under Santerre 's direction , a human chain had been formed .
11 ‘ What did you want me to do , Naomi , tell you to look deep into my eyes so I could make a formal introduction ? ’
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