Example sentences of "into my [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Only I was really upset at the time and when I think of them drilling into my head and peeling back my skull and — ’
2 ‘ I got a lot of response from the article and my request for someone to move into my home and look after the children while I was away for the eight months in Bristol , ’ she said .
3 I went into my bed and slept free of any kind of consciousness .
4 I crawl into my bed and crouch in a foetal position , a pillow stuffed between my knees and chest .
5 I sank down into my bed and cried .
6 The servant girl came into my chamber and told me that there was a ‘ sort of demon ’ downstairs , jabbering in a strange tongue .
7 I reached into my wallet and flashed my PKB Amex card at him .
8 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
9 I palmed the Olympus Trip into my overalls while pretending to tidy my sports bag and new suit .
10 I spat into my fingers and used them , then found his foreskin was loose enough to be rolled back and forth over the head , and did that for a while .
11 Come into my life and change me .
12 ‘ Then you came into my life and tried to do the same thing !
13 I was told they would look into my case and get back to me .
14 As I stepped into my skis and shuffled to the edge of the steep snow slope , I remembered Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid , tailed to the edge of a very high cliff by the posse .
15 The corrugations bumped the harness into my shoulder and sent the shock down to the shin , which was strained further because I was unable to tell at which angle to put down my foot .
16 ‘ But I can never go into my kitchen and cook for my husband .
17 ‘ So , go into my hut and meditate on that ’ , said the guru .
18 It swam straight into my chest and bowled me over , thank God it swam on but the adrenalin was flowing so all I could think about was what sort of picture I 'd got .
19 I filled the crack above with belay nuts , tied off , and eventually relaxed enough to hang into my harness and haul in the rope .
20 The chauffeur had the night off , he was celebrating down in Basildon , so Babs and I got into my Porsche and headed off to Ealing .
21 They hurried into the room and bundled me into my clothes and stretchered me into the garden .
22 ‘ It 's come into my parlour or get sliced into pieces with the lasers . ’
23 After quite a lot of persuasion and promises of chocolate bars , I finally got back into my canoe and headed off down the river to find my paddle and the rest of the group .
24 But he had pushed it into my hand and walked abruptly out of the door .
25 He put a copy of the timetable into my hands and said , ‘ You will need to know where we stop .
26 I had always been appalled by the ease with which men seemed able to separate sex and love and now here was I building a high wall around myself and saying , ‘ I will let you into my body but stay out of my mind . ’
27 I slip some things into my holdall and work through five different ways to say I 'm sorry , but ‘ How come you only work night time ? ’ she wants to know .
28 If some coloured youth breaks into my house and tries to rape my wife … ’
29 ‘ I 'm not used to some bloody apprentice waltzing into my house and asking me about my private affairs — ’
30 How dare you break into my house and assault me like this ? ’
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