Example sentences of "into [art] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She walked into the kitchen just in time to see Benny punch Garry in the face .
2 I take the cup into the kitchen together with my glass which I top up ; the alcohol is making my body hum .
3 No , ah so that 's right I 've sworn into , I 've sworn into the Pacific how about that !
4 Experts did not , and still do not , agree on the levels of lead that get into the bloodstream specifically by this route .
5 It is customary for a Toraja girl who feels amorous to walk alone into the rice-paddies shortly before dawn or after sunset and begin screaming .
6 The cur tumbled into the moat only to be rescued by the brave Señor Sanchez .
7 I 'm not used to scotch and I went into the gents down by the station to be sick . ’
8 From there it was possible to get into the Cathedral only through a large , very heavy door directly opposite the one they had just come through .
9 To her horror he slowly turned the canoe out into the lake instead of in to shore .
10 Then Connie would move into the sanatorium along with a lot of legal talent he had lined up to look after his interests — and Connie 's , too , of course — and I 'd head for home with my five hundred . ’
11 The prize-giving was supposed to be compèred by Fatty Harris , but having taken so many nips while he was commentating , he had to pop into the Portaloo immediately after the match .
12 you 'll have your tea in the hall downstairs and then go into the service upstairs in the Methodist church
13 After twenty-four hours she was so hungry that she dived her pale pink nose into the bucket instead of at him .
14 You both went into the theatre together from the same drama school ?
15 Then he ducked into the loose-box out of sight .
16 When the table was ready she filled a deep pan with water and put it on the cooker , her movements slow and simpering in contrast to those of her mother , who quickly poured olive oil into a big black frying-pan , threw in the artichokes , covered them and rinsed her hands and arms before drawing a chair up to one of the cauldrons and sliding into the curd up to her elbows .
17 Finish off by tying with the hanging loose end , cut away the surplus , and tuck it up into the collar out of sight to leave a neat and tidy tie .
18 He invited him to come into the cottage out of the wet .
19 The coroner , Nicholas Gardiner heard that Stephen , from Carteron in Oxfordshire was thrown into the river along with his two friends , when the raft was rocked by a plume of water .
20 The coroner , Nicholas Gardiner heard that Stephen , from Carteron in Oxfordshire was thrown into the river along with his two friends , when the raft was rocked by a plume of water .
21 To overcome this difficulty , the estimated cumulative proportion of ulcers relapsing on each treatment was calculated using life tables and the log rank test as described by Peto et al because this method uses the actual duration of the ulcer free period for each patient and allows any censored data to be incorporated into the calculation up to the point at which the patient drops out of the trial .
22 There were no lights near by or below him but he could see the lake stretching into the night off to the left , its surface catching the lights of the buildings and city sky over by the edge of the Park .
23 Mostly , they drank beer , so much of it that one old man stumbled out into the night entirely on automatic pilot and a middle-aged , tired-looking woman with a wooden leg lapsed into a coma .
24 I now knew the last thing in the whole world I wanted was to go into the mountains again with FAKINTIL .
25 In conventional costing systems , figures do not just get absorbed into the system never to be seen again ; they may release figures to go flying around the corporate universe , possibly causing considerable mischief .
26 The remedy often suggested is to get iron into the system quickly by foliar feeding .
27 We took a tripod , but it fell into the sea shortly after our arrival , and thereafter twisted on its axis with the serenity of a chain saw .
28 I had in mind the possibility of a UK registered Concorde crashing into the sea just outside the three mile limit of some State while making an approach to land there and possibly the Russians or some of their friends commencing to salvage it before we could do anything about it .
29 Are they going to be erm falling into the sea gradually over the coming years ?
30 The helicopter plunged into the sea close to the Cormorant Alpha production platform shortly after take-off .
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