Example sentences of "them [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You can wash the erm , the beaters , and you can put the cream next to the other bowl and I 'll mix them altogether when I 've got the lemon juice in .
2 Either we use them properly or we get rid of them .
3 You get on them slowly and they register one weight ; if you jump on them with gusto they register something quite different .
4 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
5 I am not arguing therefore that metaphors should not change , but that it is impossible for us to change them organically unless we understand them in the first place .
6 That is certainly not the case , because we include them only after they have been made to fit in with our rules of the game .
7 The government has authority over them only if they have reason to contribute to a scheme which benefits others .
8 The idea of what they ought to do is more subtle and will come to them only if they love and trust their parents enough to want to be like them .
9 Generally , senators assume that the President has the right to make the nominations and they will block them only if they feel that the nominees are particularly weak and the President needs teaching a lesson .
10 We may constantly try to assert our individuality and separateness from others by inevitable disagreement , rejection of their views and immediate aggression towards them so that we stage pre-emptive strikes .
11 The problem is how to link them so that they become like sentences in a play or poem .
12 we 're prepared to look at the the client reports and change them so that they become as good as we , we can get them .
13 This will not necessarily stop the Not-OK feelings but it at least contains them so that they do n't damage the transaction .
14 I hope that coaches in this country , when they are coaching youngsters , will coach them so that they do not have those kinds of weaknesses .
15 The tiles have grooves and ridges on them so that they do not fall out .
16 What is communicated can easily be a view that ignores other religions , or that interprets them inadequately within terms of a comparison with one 's own , or that accepts them without trying to relate to them so that they exist in a kind of schizophrenic soup in the mind and emotions .
17 That 's what she 's supposed to do according to the Citizens Advice Bureau , is to control them so that she do n't annoy the neighbours
18 And he changed them so that you get , so they 're having one course in and
19 Good lecterns today also have space for microphone wiring built into them so that you do n't have wire trailing around the place and looking unsightly , or a big boom mike stand in front .
20 mm , the thing is though , that was n't a Court hearing yesterday and whatever they say is gon na incriminate them so if they want to ask them questions they 've got ta take them to Court have n't they ?
21 Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) has launched a new campaign against pollution by warning the directors of 14 industrial companies in Yorkshire that it will seek to prosecute them personally unless they take action to prevent their companies breaching water pollution laws .
22 Next time you get out on the bus ask them personally if you 've got a humby Is that still going ?
23 Er , and I always reckon others will do the same , so I always take my notes on a , on a plain piece of paper , and put them together if I need to .
24 ‘ Individually , they are very nice children , ’ says John , ‘ but put them together and they bring out the worse in each other — like football supporters . ’
25 Well you mix up er you mix up some colours , black and er and black and wh i stuff Bismarck brown which Mix them together and you make a colour to match up the rest and maybe bring in darker streaks and make a pat You know what I mean ?
26 So you add them together and you give it the same sign .
27 If we score got a chance and we had the chances to score first half , did n't take them obviously and we get the goal , right time , they went a bit nervous , and we went on did n't we — we could have won it .
28 Well I use to have , but I threw them away cos you do n't really need two .
29 Take them away and we have nothing .
30 so they 're trying to corner it and it 's munching on grass quite happily , you could see it was watching a minute , but it was watching them away and I think er any minute it 's looking out the corner of its eye and then it 's just gon na go when he sees it getting closer .
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