Example sentences of "them [conj] they [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All children should be supported in valuing their own dialects and in using them where they are appropriate to context and purpose , but they should also be able to use Standard English when it is necessary and helpful to do so in speaking as well as writing .
2 These users would be responsible for checking any SSRs generated for their project and only submitting them once they were satisfied that they correctly and adequately reported the status of an area of software .
3 These morons set up meaningless polls , people like me tell them that they 're meaningless , and then , when they turn out to be meaningless , they cry ‘ Amazing triumph for the Tories !
4 Society tells them they 're rubbish , because they ca n't find jobs , but it also tells them that they are better than the blacks .
5 Occasionally children require some additional recognition that they are behaving well apart from their parent telling them that they are good .
6 those who have accepted the teachers ' view of them that they are thick and who see no point in pursuing any further academic work because of their acknowledged inability , and
7 The North West-based firm Latham Crossley and Davis , says that many funeral directors have received letters from tax consultants and accountants , telling them that they are entitled to partial exemption from VAT under new rules introduced in April this year .
8 Several times , she had told them that they were poor now .
9 Their replies to my questions may not be those that I had in mind , but by telling them that they were incorrect I would probably have ensured that they would not be so willing to answer again .
10 As she said goodnight to them in turn she managed by some technique of charm or pure personality to convey to each of them that they were important to her in their own light .
12 Although one of the children suffered from tuberculosis , the corporation housing department had told them that they were unlikely to be housed .
13 Inside the church is a priest showing tourists Giotto 's frescos , explaining to them that they were supposed to ,
14 It 's supposed to fit them until they 're four , but it wo n't .
15 They suckle the pigs and otherwise nurture them until they 're mature enough to return to the wild to breed .
16 In another large pan , melt the butter and sweat the onions , carrots , fennel or celery ; cook them until they are soft but not coloured .
17 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
18 Who begged and argued and fought for them until they were free to go ? ’
19 We had to put it in erm oh what did we call it oh dear a little vice and er put a ball , about three inches long and then er put it into the plug and erm put the cap , the little brass cap but also the I 've made a mistake there , before we did that we had to put the natural plug in and in that plug there were five like aluminium coloured er pins , each of a different size and we had to learn to read the key for the various depths you see and we had boxes of pins with the different sizes in and er then put those in the plug and then push the key in and but we 'd got to , we got to file , we had to file the bars and also the little brass caps to get all the edge the , I forget what we used to call it now , off the cap to get it smooth and then get it in our own vice and screw , screw them down and there were thirty two , there were three key keys to each , each lock , and er we had to file them until they were ready and they worked easily push the key in properly , and we also used to put black lead in , you could not put oil because they would have stopped the springs working and we had a little box of ordinary oh like the black lead that we used to black lead the graves , put some on the key and push that then and work it round , and that was the erm that was made it work freely you see and then there was erm a half a gross to each board , and three , three keys to each one and then erm we , we filed the various things ourselves , but then they would take that away from you and bring you more you see and then when eventually the keys had to be polished and it was only a favourite few that were allowed to sit down to sort the keys out to com to complete them you see , but it was very very interesting work and I enjoyed being there but you
20 Dionne went for the outlaw type , or so she said , then mothered and civilised them until they were unrecognisable , and when her dream of civilised and raunchy equality went out the slammed door , there she was alone again , smoking a little more than usual , drinking a little more than necessary and swearing herself to celibacy until the next sulky brow slouched into view and stole her hopeful heart away .
21 Well it 's not of course , that 's absolute rubbish and of the cases that we 'll have here tonight , each of them if they are true are very very er unfortunate indeed , an and I would n't condone any of them if they 're true .
22 Not an ounce of talent , nobody wants to shag them , been on the road every single night for 25 years and all for a once-a-week bag of chips and a saveloy between them if they 're lucky .
23 Check that residents with hospital appointments are up and ready and reassure them if they are anxious .
24 They know that the recruitment specialist will look after their interests , advise them if they are flying too high , encourage them if they are ready for advancement and indeed assist them in planning their careers over a period of time .
25 Well it 's not of course , that 's absolute rubbish and of the cases that we 'll have here tonight , each of them if they are true are very very er unfortunate indeed , an and I would n't condone any of them if they 're true .
26 Ask them if they are working-class or middle-class , and they tell you ‘ This is our fate , sister , to work , to slave , in Pakistan too some of us had to do the hard , hard work on the fields .
27 She has come to tell them about the opportunities which await them if they are prepared to make the long journey to Oregon .
28 The contention being that , as regards companies , the statute can not have been intended to apply to them if they are non-resident , one asks immediately — why not ?
29 I am quite satisfied with the performance of the tyres but am unwilling to use them if they are bad for my Land Rover in the long run .
30 Also give them the opportunity to wash their bottom , but be prepared to do this for them if they are unable to .
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