Example sentences of "them [adv] [to-vb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Citrine had earlier told his colleagues , a tactical retreat of accepting the Minister 's suggestion and then showing it to be ineffective would enable them better to assert their independence in future .
2 But despite the place given to women , most of the programmes are organised around a male presenter who ‘ manages ’ the women and brings them in to contribute their bit of knowledge .
3 I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity that I was primarily a practical policeman and not an academic ; and I also noted that while the college was keen to list the academic qualifications of those on the course , the participants quickly justified Lewis 's assertions by playing them down to emphasize their history of praxis and practical mastery .
4 Our invaluable handbook , which otherwise retails at around £100 is included in membership — and members invariably find that knowledge gained via membership , be it from the Handbook , a seminar or fellow members , allows them annually to recover their membership subscription .
5 Look after the twins and try to make sure they negotiate the reefs of puberty and adolescence , set them up to make their way in the world , and do so without becoming just like me …
6 So it would be highly arrogant of me to start telling them how to do their work .
7 The pensioners claim the society did n't give them adequate warnings of the risks involved when it advised them how to invest their money .
8 They have not done this for one simple reason : the unions know the truth about the SDLP and they would quickly tell them where to put their advice .
9 If necessary , he or she will advise on the detailed layout of the cash books , and suggest that he or she reviews them occasionally to ensure their adequacy .
10 Unless low income-earners can achieve , at a stroke , a very large rise in earnings and jump right out of the trap , it is virtually impossible for them significantly to improve their situation .
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