Example sentences of "them [verb] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cut a slice off the bottom of each pear to enable them to sit in a dish without falling over , and place in an ovenproof dish well spaced out .
2 She had them hidden in a box , in the store room .
3 J. F. Campbell tells of sticks with sharpened ends which had been burnt and hardened in a fire and said he had seen one of them found in a moss , and writes " They used to throw them from them , and could aim exceedingly with them , and they could drive through a man .
4 Wickham revived the Black Friar meeting , suggesting Maureen knew what Barron wanted to talk to her father about and asking why it had been important to them to meet in a pub instead of one of the two Fleet Street offices at their disposal .
5 ‘ He brings considerable outside experience and proven ability in defining practical business strategies and putting them to work in a market environment , ’ Mr Hugh Smith said .
6 Heat the frankfurters by leaving them to stand in a pan of water that has just boiled for about 5 minutes .
7 Solowka is refreshingly honest , but the band 's efforts were legitimate enough to prompt the British Ukrainian Association to ask them to appear in a video newsletter and the set definitely broadened the band 's appeal .
8 ‘ She gets them made in a factory in Hong Kong .
9 PROMOTER Frank Warren yesterday warned rivals Colin McMillan and Paul Hodkinson that greed could prevent them meeting in a world title clash .
10 Closer to home , in their statement of educational principles , for example , a group of teachers from Wigan included the following : ‘ Education has the responsibility of operating within a democratic system ; of respecting and nurturing democratic principles ; of being open to change by democratic process ; and , perhaps , most importantly , of encouraging within the young those qualities and skills which enable them to participate in a democracy and ultimately to develop or change it ’ ( Department of Education and Science , 1983 , p. 27 ) .
11 This is the challenge facing community educators : a challenge which requires them to engage in a process of reflection on their action : to clarify their views of the crisis facing the working class : to face up to certain contradictions in their practice : to sharpen their sense of social commitment .
12 The average recreational sailor owns around three sails , allowing them to sail in a wind band of between force one and five .
13 But his father wants them buried in a family plot in Santa Inez .
14 One of them landed in a field next to Bruce Arkell 's house , and he 's still finding pieces of wreckage .
15 Later they had them set in a row near the climbing frame .
16 Even before one of them collapsed in a gas explosion at Ronan Point in London , the tower block became a focus of special hatred .
17 The majority of men are accustomed to some particular style of living , and they generally refrain from marriage , if the increased expenses of married life would compel them to live in a manner which would not give them what has been aptly termed their historical standard of comfort .
18 In Adrienne Bennett 's classroom pupils work on mathematical activities which enable them to respond in a variety of ways and at a range of levels .
19 Three of them floated in a sea of garlic and tomato and although I found them no better than chewy chicken my wife told me they were well up to scratch .
20 A change of home help , a fall , or a recent bereavement might any of them result in a sense of not being able to cope , and thus to a referral .
21 Because of the original engineers ' appreciation of its intrinsic brittleness , cast-iron members tend to be stressed to lower levels than steelwork and the way they were incorporated into buildings usually allows them to expand in a fire without generating increased stresses .
22 The two of them live in a house near the docks .
23 A new contributory scheme of this kind would be expensive because it must be generous enough to lift people off means-tested supplementary benefit ; and it would still leave them entangled in a cohabitation rule of some sort .
24 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
25 I saw them standing in a crowd ; they told me ‘ We want to prove something , show them something . ’
26 Grabbing the children by their arms , the three of them left in a welter of confused sounds and I began to dress .
27 As it was , I already knew of their resignation as both had phoned me to see if I would give them backing in a boardroom coup .
28 On the other hand , if the incentives are too high , they may themselves distort the market , by giving the beneficiaries an unfair advantage or enabling them to operate in a way which does not reflect genuine supply and demand .
29 The aim of the awards is to provide candidates with evidence in the form of certificates to show that they are proficient in the skills necessary for them to operate in a business environment in at least 2 European languages .
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