Example sentences of "when it [vb -s] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The higher-level activity itself can , of course , become automatised , and whereas in the case of skills such as riding a bicycle or tying shoelaces this is advantageous , when it happens to writing or reading the consequences are unfortunate .
2 And likes your light on when it goes to bed .
3 Guarded by a collective representation in which theft and violence reside in a dangerous class , morally elevated by its correctional quest , the state achieves the legitimacy of its pacific intention and the acceptance of legality — even when it goes to war and massively perpetuates activities it has allegedly banned from the world .
4 But when it turns to obscenity , their report contrasts the cruelty or violence depicted in Goya 's Disasters of War or King Lear , which appeal ‘ to our shared humanity ’ , with depictions of a more prurient kind which ‘ invite us to collude in degrading it ’ .
5 Claire 's mother , in her late 20s , will contest the case when it gets to court later this year .
6 The point I 'm trying to make is that A&R depts only know a ‘ hit ’ when it gets to No 4 in the national charts .
7 When it comes to Vic Reeves , you have to be there .
8 erm then when it comes to Adam , the first thought in relation to Adam is of course that she 's improved her own position , is n't it ?
9 More than most , BMW is very careful not to tread on its own toes when it comes to cabin size .
10 When it comes to installation , sound advice can be obtained from the Electricity Council , for electricity is a good servant but a poor master and the inexperienced should not tamper with its installation , especially in the presence of water .
11 There 's not a band that can touch us when it comes to performing . ’
12 Being only marginally better looking than The Farm does n't excuse instant capitulation when it comes to performing , and tonight , apart from Andy 's caged pussycat prowling , mostly lost in dry ice , they might as well have pulled the curtains .
13 That , when it comes to postals .
14 But when it comes to gravity
15 No one has come near to me when it comes to boxing skills , and that 's what I 'm interested in .
16 But when it comes to sport , all bets are off .
17 Despite the latter 's continuous nature it can accommodate a certain degree of selectivity when it comes to vibrations .
18 One man , and his garden shed , are living proof that when it comes to eccentricity , we 've got the market cornered .
19 ‘ David is very malleable when it comes to girlfriends , ’ says Solowka .
20 Unfortunately when it comes to originality that 's about all the game has to offer .
21 Do n't let convention cramp your style when it comes to container gardening .
22 In the past , there has existed an implied threat of discrimination in favour of LTA players when it comes to selection for teams , wild-cards and trips abroad .
23 Once in the adult world of work , the underclass faces further discrimination when it comes to selection for the primary or secondary labour market .
24 Leaf it off asks BR Landscape architects have had a special request from British Rail when it comes to tree planting alongside a busy branch line .
25 When it comes to profiles and interviews , familiar names usually get the nod over the up-and-coming , partly because they are the ones the powers-that-be have heard of , and partly because the famous and/or notorious are what a less obsessive and more catholic readership wants to know about .
26 Over-fed American weekend duffers lead every world statistic when it comes to golf .
27 The most popular PEPs are based on equity unit trusts and when it comes to charges on , the market breaks down into three .
28 When it comes to deeds of great valour performed in the cause of king and country , the name of Rune is up there with the best of them .
29 If the right hon. Gentleman does not accept what I say about industrial matters , he will perhaps listen to the head of the Swedish employers federation , who said that the Community should learn from Sweden : ’ It could above all avoid mistakes when it comes to regulations based on the social charter .
30 When it comes to cancer , a multidisciplinary approach is often the most successful .
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