Example sentences of "when it [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Milton 's God was Empson 's last book , in his lifetime , though when he died he was collecting at least three others : Using Biography ( 1984 ) , on Marvell , Dryden , Fielding , Yeats , Eliot and Joyce ; Essays on Shakespeare ( 1986 ) ; and a book of Renaissance essays , as well as a massive ragbag ( as he called it ) of papers and reviews dating back to the 1920s which , when it posthumously appeared as Argufying ( 1987 ) , was rapidly seen by many to be the finest critical miscellany in the language .
2 Having emerged from this complex background , the book evinced an eccentric fidelity to Ritschl 's advice , when it duly appeared after the suggested " couple of years " .
3 During the period of the Call-slip analysis and book condition survey — that is , between 12 and 24 January 1981 — the second copy of each call-slip submitted to the Issue Counter was stamped by a member of staff with the time and date of its submission , and when it ultimately arrived in the Reading Room , accompanied by the book to which it related , the time and date of its arrival was recorded on it by one of two fieldwork students from the College of Librarianship Wales who assisted in the implementation of the Survey .
4 When it eventually dawned on Liza that she must be pregnant , she began to panic .
5 The artists with whom his gallery was closely involved are Andy Goldsworthy , Hamish Fulton , Roger Ackling and Ian Hamilton Finlay , whose Wild Hawthorne Press material he presented at the Fruitmarket when it briefly reopened for last year 's Edinburgh Festival .
6 A transcript of the tape-recording made in the restaurant was a central plank in the prosecution case when it finally came to court eighteen months later .
7 Grainne had known that when it finally came to it , she would be afraid — for I have never known anyone other than Fergus , and with Fergus it was so natural and so sweet — but she had not expected this sudden rush of tenderness .
8 Then Damian said bitingly , ‘ When it finally happens between us , Rachel , it wo n't be a rape , it 'll be a landslide and you know it ! ’
9 The Collective State Presidency failed to convene in Brioni on July 15 or 16 due to the refusal of the Serbian block to participate ; when it finally met in Belgrade on July 18 with all members present as well as the Federal Prime Minister ( Ante Markovic ) and the Ministers of Defence , Interior and Foreign Affairs , a surprise agreement was reached ( with Mesic voting against and the Bosnian representative abstaining ) to begin immediately to pull all troops out of Slovenia within three months to the neighbouring republics of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Serbia .
10 The vagaries of the stream are not ended when it finally debouches into the silent pool at the bottom of Alum Pot .
11 Then , when it finally dropped from exhaustion , it was killed .
12 The sun was settling into the tree-tops up the line when it finally curved into view .
13 Franco 's concern not to risk backing the wrong side in a European war was also reflected in Spain 's official position with regard to the conflict when it finally erupted in the autumn of 1939 .
14 On the other hand the BDDA scored a triumph , which it circulated " to every mission and school for the deaf and dumb in the United Kingdom " , when it successfully campaigned for the nondiscriminatory insurance of deaf and dumb people in employment under the Workmen 's Compensation , Unemployment and Invalidity Acts which the Lloyd George Government passed early in the twentieth century .
15 In his important book The concept of mind ( 1949 ) Ryle exploded the dogma by successfully demonstrating that , as used in the Cartesian ‘ myth ’ , the term represents the facts of mental life as if it belonged to one logical type or category , when it actually belongs to another .
16 When it actually came to writing rather than vaguely thinking about his address , Henry found it more difficult than he had expected .
17 Well actually I always think , Win always say that the W I runs itself because everyone gets on with things and they do n't need to be told and , and when it actually comes to it no nobody wants to become president or officer . .
18 But when it actually comes to doing work they 're ever so good .
19 cos I 'm assuming that there are some people who when it actually comes to the crunch
20 There was never a time in Sir Hector Laing 's life when it ever occurred to him to work for any other company than the family business , originally called McVitie $ Price and now known as United Biscuits .
21 This effort to keep a clear conception of its own nature before it is the mental side of the human psyche when it genuinely acts in the world and is not merely subject to external or internal forces .
22 This led to confusion over concentration with the term minimum inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) being used as and mistaken for dosage rate when it merely related to the bacteriostatic performance against certain bacteria under artificial conditions and at specific concentrations .
23 When it sometimes emerged from her own lips , her teachers or friends would look at her oddly , wondering whether they had heard her correctly .
24 When it then comes to assessing the efficacy of preventive interventions , the goals of the model are not only clear but open to evaluation .
25 Next it was against the Swedes when it really counted in the European championship .
26 It was insured by the charity organiser Ruth Hilali , and when it apparently disappeared in transit , more than £100,000 was paid by insurers into charity funds at the Worcester branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland .
27 She was sipping the last of her coffee , however , when it suddenly came to her just how much Ven had been in her thoughts since she had awakened , also how very much she wanted to see him again !
28 She was motoring through Germany , though , when it suddenly dawned on her that she had n't asked Cara that most fundamental of questions — when was she supposed to return to England ?
29 The dog sank its powerful jaws into the boy 's face when it suddenly turned on him as he played at his home in Alton , Hants .
30 There are long stretches when I forget this experience totally , so much so that when it suddenly comes into my mind again it is each time with the shock of newness .
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