Example sentences of "when the [noun] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had been locked in a cabin , a prisoner with the officers when the bombers came on a low-clouded November afternoon .
2 When the factory came into use , a special tram service was provided , using the bogie cars which displayed the destination ‘ Waddon Workman ’ .
3 The position is rather different when the goods came into the defendant 's hands by reason of a genuine , voluntary bailment for then the bailee has a statutory power of sale of the goods if the bailor fails to collect them .
4 ‘ Naturally , when the call came from the Consulate . ’
5 And there I was , nearly a day later , when the call came from the Ardakkeans .
6 Item — The most mysterious aspect of this is that there is no evidence that when the King came to the Council meeting he intended to leave but decided to do so there and then .
7 but , and this kingdom takes over , Jesus was a ransom sacrifice , he brought , bought people back , that 's , those that have faith , so in the new , when this new system comes round , when the king comes round the earth we 'll start to grow young again , and then that way we 'll have a sort of a different flesh wo n't we ?
8 He gets all over the pitch , and I could see him fitting in in all kinds of areas , he used to be good for Spurs even when the defence came under pressure , and he 'd tackle back , becoming the ball winner .
9 It is believed that the National Gallery has committed its entire purchase grant for the next three years towards the cost of the Holbein and , given the fact that purchase grants for national museums have been frozen since 1985 , other museums are similarly powerless both to acquire when the works come onto the market , and to match their export price when their licences are suspended .
10 They always do that when the plague comes to London .
11 However , when the regulations came to be made , the government maintained that the policy which had been set out during the passage of the Bill through the House was unworkable .
12 I refuse to sell refrigerated Brie , so when the regulations come into force that state food has to be refrigerated from manufacture to sale , it will disappear from my shop .
13 When the nationalists came to power in 1939 , union organization in RENFE was systematically destroyed and republican supporters among the workforce were purged .
14 And when the sh when the relief came in the ship lay about a mile off the never came near the rock at all because it was just a mass of reefs you know and the ship lay about a mile off and then the launch came in with a crew of about half a dozen men and the officer the second mate usually in charge .
15 But when the Dalai came to Britain in 1991 , the Chinese spat with fury about the visit .
16 She heard Macbeth say , on stage , Whence is that knocking ? when the dresser came to her , her face white .
17 When the chief comes into court , the two of them are on nodding terms . ’
18 Erm and when the assignment er that you are sent or when the assignment comes to the top of the pile they look around the er organization and say who is the most suitably er geographically er situated and who is the most available who is gon na be available .
19 When the circus comes to town I love to see the clown , racing round the big top with his trousers falling down ,
20 When the circus comes to town I love to see the clown , racing round the big top with his trousers falling down , very , very , he makes me laugh and shout , I 'll always feel so happy when the comes about ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , the funny circus clown
21 When the Armada came in 1588 , all supported the English cause , not least Lord Buckhurst who protested against a Privy Council enquiry into the loyalty of Sussex Catholic gentry on the grounds that it was distasteful .
22 Another agreed : ‘ I found that when the canvassers come to the door , and this is true of all parties I think , on the whole they feel embarrassed if a disabled person goes to the door and they always ask for my husband . ’
23 When the Spirit comes upon a man , he communicates some message from God .
24 The ban on political activity imposed when the NRM came to power was extended for a further five years in March 1990 .
25 When the University comes with its land title we will tell them : " Your land title is covered with blood .
26 Cos we had Linekars , course they 've gone out of business , but when he came , when the boss came to this one he reckoned one of these was a bit out did n't he ?
27 When the bills come in you pay them on the budget account cheque book and do n't have to worry whether the money is there or not .
28 that i when the child comes to you to si , you sign to show they 're with you now , perhaps Cath could amend that so that you have it you 've actually got the week but five slots for homework
29 Benjamin James Titford may or may not have made his fair share of mistakes as a young teacher ; but when the chance came of running his own show in a conducive environment , he took it with alacrity .
30 Mandy refused to speak to a Scotland Yard serious crime squad when they tried to investigate allegations of under-age sex when the affair came to light six years ago .
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