Example sentences of "when they [verb] [prep] you " in BNC.

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1 When they shout at you !
2 When they shout at you .
3 Remember ages ago when they knocked for you and Billy
4 What we are trying to argue for is to try to prevent the cost , the pain , the hurt that is experienced after a divorce by alerting people to the fact that a divorce wo n't solve all their problems , it will transfer one set of problems for another and our great concern in this report is to go back one step , not just to speak to people who are experiencing hurt , but in the hope that we can say something before it reaches the stage that it had reached when they came to you .
5 Jesus spoke about forgiveness in the Lord 's prayer : ‘ If you forgive others when they sin against you , your heavenly Father will also forgive you . ’
6 Forgiveness is non-optional Matthew 6:14 says , ‘ If you forgive men when they sin against you , your heavenly Father will also forgive you .
7 The best thing to get richer is like , going round car boot sales , like my mum , she 's so funny , dad said she 's a different woman , she 's just like , cos when Phil and I erm , were engaged , we were trying to save up money , so we , oh and like we 'd sell off all our old stuff , so just give me of money , and then , we got these and my mum was pricing everything up , and she 's going , if someone asks for a discount , do n't , just do n't give it to them , she said , everyone 's going round pricing everything up and erm , when they come to you , they just , they just want things for nothing .
8 Well , what do you think people 's expectations are when they come to you ?
9 I know but then when they talk to you they wo n't see it .
10 When they say to you ‘ oh well , you know , surely you do n't mind a little bit of flirtation and so on ’ I think very often that 's an entirely mendacious reply , that they know perfectly well what you 're talking about when you talk about sexual harassment , and in the context of discussions in the SCR or over dinner , they simply do n't want to have to deal with it and so they will dismiss it by way of saying ‘ well , you know , I 'm only being chivalrous , or this is the way I was brought up ’ .
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