Example sentences of "when he have [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( A famous actor interviewed recently on the radio said that , when he had learned his part in a play , he did not just know the words he had to say but where the new paragraphs came and when he had to turn the page of the script .
2 When he had inspected the target , when he had seen the envy of the officers who were gathered behind him , when he had received the instructor 's grudging approval , then he walked to his guard 's car .
3 Seius Saturninus , a chief helmsman of the British fleet , left in his will Captain Valerius Maximus as his trustee-heir , and requested of him that he should make over his [ Seius ' ] estate to his son , Seius Oceanus , when he had reached the age of sixteen .
4 Meanwhile , Mick was peeling potatoes , carrots and onions , which he had bought when he had made an advance visit to Adrar the day before .
5 Occasionally , Mr Landor would accuse her of stealing from him when he had mislaid a silver spoon or could not find a precious paperknife , but she had always treated these accusations with the contempt they deserved .
6 When he had gone the Feldwebel imitated his accent which he said was a thick Austrian one which he could hardly understand .
7 The fiction was that Nate had instructed Mueller to arrange to get Sanders down there quickly , when he had done no such thing .
8 So he spent long days and evenings at Meadowbanks , working ( when he had done a stint of transcription ) on the manuscript which was destined to be the Walter Machin volume in the Payne 's Great Authors series of monographs .
9 When he had given the wounded the water , he made a second trip .
10 He was familiar with Pound 's writing on Japanese drama , and had been impressed by the first performance of At the Hawk 's Well when he had seen a well-known Japanese dancer take the role of the hawk .
11 He was frightened that hostile readers of his theological work would be able to say that his religion could be ‘ explained ’ in terms of the Oedipus complex ( or perhaps the Hippolytus complex ) ; and that he was only able to find peace for his heart by coming to terms with a Heavenly Father of his own projection when he had seen the last of his earthly father in Belfast .
12 When he had inspected the target , when he had seen the envy of the officers who were gathered behind him , when he had received the instructor 's grudging approval , then he walked to his guard 's car .
13 So when he had seen the sign ahead of him in the street , he 'd walked right in and sat down and demanded to be attended to .
14 He used to try different chapels or different preachers , sometimes taking me with him , more especially when he had become an almost weekly attendant at a Unitarian Chapel … .
15 A row had followed : he had been returning home when he had heard a noise .
16 He had completely lost his temper when he had heard the news that Clasper had taken the giant Merseyside plant out on strike .
17 When he had heard the rest of the tale , Maggie said , ‘ Your arm 'll come back to you soon .
18 When he had stopped the car to pick her up she had been terrified .
19 When he had joined the ship he had been nothing but eagerness and smiles , romping about like a new puppy , but now he had turned unrelentingly morose .
20 He wrote out all the lyrics phonetically , so when he had to sing an Italian word , it was written down exactly as it should be pronounced .
21 When he had inspected the target , when he had seen the envy of the officers who were gathered behind him , when he had received the instructor 's grudging approval , then he walked to his guard 's car .
22 He questioned the new Clause 's sponsors ' understanding of what was ‘ normal ’ , and for good measure said that when he had visited the Soviet Union he had not liked it — there were no sex shops , a lot of censorship , and they denied that homosexuals existed .
23 ‘ Now we got to wash up our fingers and later we eat , ’ said the second man , when he had collected the paper cups and straws .
24 On those occasions when he had felt the need to demonstrate his power to management , he would create an instant departmental dispute which always had the immediate effect of lowering that day 's efficiency to below fifty per cent .
25 There had been the regrettable occasion in the Chamber when he had kissed the Labour Party 's spokesman for the Arts , a Mr Mark Fisher , on his bald pate , an escapade that had attracted what his wife Marjorie had called ‘ bloody bad publicity ’ .
26 It was unfortunate that , just when he had quelled a great deal of internal disorder and was aiming at a profitable alliance with the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses , he chose as a grand gesture to drive out the English garrison still holding Roxburgh castle , only to be killed when one of his own bombards exploded .
27 There is a story that when he had dictated the last sentence of his monumental Summa Theologiae , he laid his head in his hands sadly .
28 Part of his motive in undertaking to edit the Criterion had been to establish his own position within metropolitan culture and , since he had been a bank employee when he had begun the paper seventeen years before , in this he had triumphantly succeeded .
29 She watched him go back to the kitchen and when he had shut the living room door firmly , she sank down on the rug in front of the gas fire with her back propped against the armchair and sipped gloomily at the wine .
30 When he had shut the door of her bedroom behind them both , he came to stand in front of her and stroked her face with one finger , tracing her eyebrows , the semi-circular curve of the bones under her eyes , the diagonal lines of her cheekbones , and her lips .
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