Example sentences of "when he [be] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When he 's not zapping helmetted contestants in front of a TV camera , he 's usually to be found pumping iron in a gym somewhere .
2 In fact , the little chap positively trailblazes along walls — when he 's not bounding on his robo-legs or zooming skywards strapped to a jetpack .
3 Just higher your chariot blades on a level with his neck and drive past when he 's not looking ? but do n't tell anybody I said so .
4 When he 's not telling us his name he 's yelling ‘ yo ’ and other inane rappisms in a suitably sneering tone .
5 However when he 's not sorting out pest problems in Leeds he is treading the floorboards in many amateur theatrical productions .
6 When he 's not feeding , he 'll suck at anything else that 's available — a dummy , finger , thumb or piece of blanket .
7 They set aside a room for Howard to work in , when he 's not labouring outside with an axe or a scythe .
8 On the gravel outside stands a sleek black BMW to drive when he 's not riding one of his three £1,500 hand-made bikes .
9 Off-road riding is still the basis of his off-season training — when he 's not attending another dinner in his honour that is .
10 He works very hard and when he 's not working at his job he likes to work on the car . ’
11 He 's in his 50s and when he 's not working , loves to brush with danger .
12 Meanwhile , Hawk — 6ft tall with a 56in chest — an inspector for Welsh Water when he 's not beating innocent victims to a pulp , spends 12 hours a week in the gym to build up those biceps .
13 ‘ What does he do with himself when he 's not pinching waitresses ? ’ asked Milton .
14 His keyboard must really hate him — when he 's not ignoring it , he 's bashing seven shades of shite out of it .
15 His keyboard must really hate him — when he 's not ignoring it , he 's bashing seven shades of shite out of it .
16 Potential meaning is meaning as it resides in the speaker 's unconscious even when he is not speaking .
17 When he is not looking over a sea of grain , is overlooking the sea !
18 Peter Scudamore still has first call on Twiston-Davies ' string when he is not riding for Martin Pipe .
19 Together they have created a warm and welcoming atmosphere , with Tony ( when he is not trying to improve his golf handicap ) working front of house , and Mary preparing the meals .
20 They live in perpetual hope of persuading some head of chambers to take them in when a vacancy occurs ; meanwhile , to confer with a client they can only occupy someone else 's desk , by his good grace , when he is not using it .
21 But when he is not playing , Henry spends his time coaching in the coloured township of Rocklands and spreading the gospel of multi-racial sport .
22 Also , in Deanos support , He does work hard and effectively even when he s not scoring .
23 Mrs Browning was still in bed while Pen dashed in and out when he was not feeding his rabbits on the balcony .
24 He asked why they were constantly hitting him when he was not retaliating .
25 Even when he was not thinking about it , it nagged at the edge of his awareness .
26 When he was not looking I came down and took the car .
27 These letters themselves , with their references to women and his dependence upon them , should be taken with the facts of his first impulsive marriage and his second happy one : all the available evidence suggests that when he allowed his sexuality free access , when he was not struggling with his own demons , it was of a heterosexual kind .
28 When he was not writing or smoking , Bob noticed , he sat absolutely still , so still that the ribbon of smoke from his cigarette hung almost undisturbed for two or three feet above his hand .
29 When he was not flying he kept himself busy by designing and building his own fighter with parts ‘ cannibalised ’ from scrapped and battle damaged aircraft .
30 Abe Moses , who was also a poet when he was not gutting fish , died while the children were st ill young , and Miriam Leah , who stunk of fish , decided to go into something more glamorous .
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