Example sentences of "when i start [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I never understood until I came to Taipei and we met again , when I started to realise why I 'd always reacted so strongly to you .
2 When I started riding again at the IRTA tests in late February I had not ridden a 500 for five months and that 's too long to be away from a 500 .
3 Yeah , erm when I started digging up I was smaller than the fork , the fork was , yes !
4 And when I started putting on weight I and I 'm still putting on weight .
5 ‘ I was about four months pregnant when I started to feel quite poorly , ’ says Leslie .
6 When I started travelling extensively in trains ( 1966 ) , which tend to go faster for longer than bicycle , car or bus , I could think better .
7 ‘ Then when I started travelling seriously I used to go and be nice to my bank manager , which was n't so easy . ’
8 But that probably stopped when I started going in did n't it ?
9 But she just could n't take it when I started pulling ahead .
10 ( The air can get rather ripe-smelling in an ordinary classroom , especially when I start opening up and passing round owl pellets to show my audience what she 's been regurgitating ! )
11 ‘ They benefit from me being here , but they appreciate that I go out to work occasionally , so it wo n't come as such a shock to them when I start to build up to going back to work properly ’ .
12 Well I went to work on the Saturday morning at six and we were dredging until half past twelve , then we would , then do repairs till five o'clock at night and then five o'clock at night , when the other crew had gone home , when I start to stay there then from five o'clock Saturday night till Monday morning six o'clock all the time just to keep watch on the dredger , I used to sleep mind you during part of the time and erm used to have a big old tortoise stove down the cabin and make good fire .
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