Example sentences of "when we [vb base] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It can not come off , but we aré such masters of philosophical self-deception that it can seem to , and then ‘ it can seem as if the rules of grammar are in a certain sense an unpacking of something we experience all at once when we use a word ’ .
2 I.A. Richards has defined metaphor like this : " In the simplest formulation , when we use a metaphor we have two thoughts of different things active together and supported by a single word , or phrase , whose meaning is a resultant of their interaction . "
3 When we use a term like ‘ light-speed ’ we are , therefore , really using it as a kind of shorthand to refer to the velocity of any form of electromagnetic radiation .
4 What is apt to happen when we strike a solid is that a whole series of stress waves radiate from the point of impact and move off into the body of the material .
5 When we fix a date , we 'd like you to be bridesmaid . ’
6 What are we after when we burn a fuel ?
7 Possibly it 's the very thing we all draw on , unconsciously , when we judge a character .
8 Recruits refused to search for these food sources , even when we put a food source in a boat in the lake at the indicated spot .
9 We 're going to have a period , before toys start coming in with the EC label , when we 've a gap with very little to sell .
10 This tendency to give a realist answer when we request a phenomenalist ( appearance-based ) answer - which Piaget called ‘ intellectual realism ’ — is also very easy to see in children 's drawings .
11 Equation is seen , for instance , when we recognize a picture of someone we know ; and qualification was at work when a cave painter added the last few touches which made his bison look more energetic and more nearly alive than the others already on the rock face .
12 unnamed that is not true and I do agree with Mr that when we make a decision to close some homes that they should be named to avoid the terrible indecision which exists at the moment .
13 Clearly when we make a planning application we have to er finalize that .
14 But we are given an insight into the limitations of their cognitive capabilities when we observe a spider responding to a vibrating tuning fork by attempting to wrap it up for food .
15 Few of us worry about security when we write a cheque .
16 When we draw a picture of a planet 's orbit we show the Sun , of course , and a single line around it in the shape of an ellipse .
17 When we take a tuck or slip stitch card and try knitting it with a changes of colour , we do n't usually know what the result will be .
18 When we take a belief , desire , or intention to have caused an action , as we commonly do , we are not thereby explaining the action by referring to other actions , let alone mere movements .
19 When we seek a context for B , it may not be wise always to work within the largest parse tree containing B. The contexts found from large trees are too specific .
20 In this condition , one wrong base pair in the DNA of the gene coding for a particular enzyme means that this enzyme is functionless and the body can not easily make melanin , which is the dark pigment responsible for brown eyes and dark hair , and which is produced in response to sunlight when we get a sun-tan .
21 Rejecting Democratic appeals to outline a specific deficit reduction strategy , Bush stated on May 17 that he would make a public address on the issue " when we get a solution " .
22 When we get a house we will collect all your things . ’
23 A police spokesman said : ‘ We can see the funny side now but when we get a report like that , we have to respond . ’
24 When we view a scene , we are gaining an impression of our surroundings by the way in which light is absorbed or reflected from objects , but light is only part of a vast spectrum of electromagnetic waves .
25 Assuming that we know how the phonemes of a particular word would be realised when the word was pronounced in isolation , when we find a phoneme realised differently as a result of being near some other phoneme belonging to a neighbouring word we call this an instance of assimilation .
26 This sometimes emerges when we find a book illustration , or a film or television interpretation , unconvincing .
27 We should be able to state which fuse we require when we buy a plug in the interest of safety and economics .
28 On Channel 2 , the unctuous host of the Gerry Springer chat show had apparently taken a serious oil overdose as he presided over a freak show of truly terrible cases of giantism and dwarfism by telling his goggle-eyed studio viewers they were each of them there ‘ so that next time we may understand and empathise when we meet a woman 7ft 10ins tall . ’
29 All of us like to receive support from others when we have a problem , even if it is only talking things over with friends .
30 Strach and Macca work well when we have a ball winner in the side ( i.e Fairclough or Batts ) but they had to hang back quite alot to cover Hodge and White who were playing crap .
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