Example sentences of "when we [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When we announced a course of foundation principles for the church , we broke Ephesians down as follows :
2 James O'Neill , 66 , on holiday from Dundee with his wife Jessie , said : ‘ We were inside the museum when we heard a bang .
3 I was having tea with A company when we heard a lot of shouting and went to investigate .
4 Days later , we were only a few bio-hours from the Vadinamian system when we received a call from Mala 's pet FedPol , Chertro .
5 I 've also instructed the secretary of Great Grimsby C L P to write to the Education Authority , to get us into schools and colleges and when we received a reply from the Education Authority , to my dismay , they did n't know anything about it .
6 Perhaps the best decade was the sixties when we played a lot of Shaw , Wilde and Ibsen .
7 My first memories of a Leeds match were standing on a soapbox with my dad , when we scored a goal .
8 Eventually we m , when we became a mobile , self-propelled anti-tank unit , erm my office er thing for paying everything , was a metal table , shall we say , on the inside of a truck , that was about one foot by two feet .
9 The nearest he gets to his usual form is during a discussion about the Mondays ' donation to the Hard Rock Café , coming to the grinning conclusion he should send ‘ a bong made from a Boddingtons beer tin , a packet of Rizla , some tinfoil , an empty skag packet and the sheet me and Bez slept on when we shared a flat together .
10 After walking in the relative heat for two hours , we decided that it was time for a break , and this decision was reinforced when we spotted a river which looked perfect for a quick ‘ dip ’ .
11 We were discussing the necessity of spending the night in the station waiting-room when we saw a taxi .
12 When we saw a doctor , the doctor , having read our notes , asked about us as a person .
13 One day , soon after our night outside the castle , Princess Flavia and I were riding through the town when we saw a group of people dressed in black going to the church .
14 Future page makeup programs that also have yet to see the light of day include SPUD , now called Scoop , which looked truly amazing when we saw a preview last year , and MacPage which is an Israeli program primarily designed for broadsheet and newspaper production .
15 It was very much a situation where you helped yourself , so when we saw a family group move from their table , I rushed in and sat down .
16 I was out with my children when we passed a shoe shop with some wellington boots outside .
17 so erm , and that went on for , I suppose till the end of the war when er , when we had a reduction in hours again , we went back to the normal nine till half past five .
18 When we had a chance to view the boat from a distance with the wind at the bottom end of Force 6 , we noticed that the overlapping headsail lost its shape quite badly when half-furled .
19 Well , hang on , we 've got one pizza shared out between four people , right , erm how many pizzas would you go , you think that was just right that , that was wonderful , we all had just the right amount of pizza , when we had a quarter , when we had one shared between the four of us
20 And , of course , when we had a shooting-party , it was more like midnight before we went to bed .
21 He was always loyal and when we had a house maid who adored Basil and had little affection for his sisters and she used to stand up for him as hardly done by , he would have none of it , to my remembered satisfaction .
22 When we had a quiz , as often we did in the caravans waiting for filming to begin , Ken always won hands down . ’
23 ‘ I was here as a 10-year-old when we had a record crowd of 75,000 for the Cup tie against Aston Villa in 1938 , ’ he said .
24 And another instance of that was well this was not so long ago when we had a loan of a barge from just a mini landing craft sort of thing where the front of it folded down .
25 ‘ A lot of good any of that did when we had a captain who could n't fucking hack it , did n't have the guts to admit it , and had to send good men into a fucking killing ground to prove how fucking brave he really was . ’
26 When we had a show in Basle , they asked questions in Parliament . ’
27 As Signals explained , television ruined all this homespun entertainment but personally I found it quite a relief when we got a set and could all sit around watching King George 's funeral .
28 Everyone was fiddling like mad when we got a leak through from the office that they were sending private detectives round the houses …
29 When we obtained a copy of this draft in December 1991 we were concerned at its inadequacies and apparently wilful distortions and submitted a detailed critique to the college .
30 closely followed by Dennis Irwin , Terry Phelan , Andy Linighan , Scott Sellars Loads of them , Sunderland twice , Chester , Colchester , Bristol City , Watford The worst must be Oxford 4–1 1983–4 , and 5–2 1984–5 , bcause of the stick I took Also when we lost a home game to Spurs 2–1 in 1978–79 , Spurs played half the with 10 men ( Miller sent off ) and Hoddle in goal because of injury .
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