Example sentences of "when we [verb] our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Relationships become secure only when we know our partner and we are known by them .
2 7 The following reflex pathway is the route along which impulses travel when we prick our hand on a sharp pin .
3 Layton , when we dance our Freilach
4 When we launched our Health and Beauty Club last year , we discovered that one in three members has a hair problem — and many simply did n't know what to do about it .
5 When we launched our boat in Rangkul for the first time and motored towards the islands where the birds were said to nest , it was with considerable relief that we saw there were indeed geese , and they were on eggs .
6 When we finished our chat and tried to re-enter the auditorium we found the double doors were tight shut and we were locked out .
7 When we began our work on the secondary stages we considered whether to add a fourth profile component , knowledge about language , but we rejected this plan for two reasons .
8 Religion can not be divorced from morality in his view for it is belief in an ordered moral government of the universe and when we lose our basis in morality we cease to be religious .
9 When we reached our yard again I could see that Mrs Taylor and her friends had worked hard .
10 When we reached our hotel and unlocked a suitcase we had kept , we thought , rigidly fastened back in Devon , we were mortified to find mountains of confetti cascading all over the floor .
11 When we reached our house , the wind was blowing hard in our faces .
12 But when we reached our bedroom , Miss Scatcherd was checking the drawers .
13 He does n't stop loving us when we do wrong , he does n't stop loving us when we turn our back on him , he does n't stop loving us when we ignore him , he does n't stop loving us when we , when we trample every everything that he does is when we trample it under foot and we are in total rebellion to him , he still does n't stop loving us because he is love !
14 When we turn our attention to the West Riding of Yorkshire , another ancient textile district , we find similar patterns of development .
15 ‘ I only knew I was playing when we had our warm-up just before the kick-off , and I simply was n't prepared for starting the match .
16 At one level this is what happens when we refine our perception of concepts such as ‘ insects ’ ( from which everything small that creeps or crawls to the more precise ‘ creatures with six legs and bodies consisting of three elements : body , thorax , and head ’ ) or ‘ the Victorian age ’ , or ‘ freedom ’ .
17 That pattern is repeated across Europe ; that is why we must ensure that we reduce and not add to the delays when we change our system and introduce new rights .
18 We 've got a bottle of wine in the fridge to open when we get our money .
19 We have another in erm on Thompson 's Directory , we said we were asked if we would like a mention there , and that has been put in hand , with at the moment the Chairman 's name and address and telephone number , but when we get our office I 've no doubt we can change that because we 'll have a rota for the office and probably just morning hours and that can go in another copy .
20 Whilst on the market stall I had a Liverpool pensioner who had n't seen a Liverpool organisation so when I got home I sent to her a notice of the huge rally there going to hold in September , in Liverpool with a couple of Bishop 's and big national speakers , I sent that to her and also contacted a Liverpool pensioner secretary to get in touch with her , and we 've also written to erm , that 's the rally , erm , we 've also , I 've also written to Jim from Cumberland , if you remember er his down our rally , so we should have some , we decided to buy twelve copies of each publication they produce and one when we get our office will be available there .
21 And in nineteen sixty one , when we got our independence , immediately we had the constitution committee and we wrote our constitution .
22 Your booking is taken to be confirmed and accepted in respect of all persons travelling when we despatch our Confirmation and Account to the person signing the booking form or to the Travel Agent through whom the booking was made .
23 When we express our love for someone , if we are sincere , the relationship deepens .
24 The joy of the Christian is that when we express our sorrow and our anxiety we shall receive God 's peace and we shall receive God 's joy .
25 When we made our entrance at the church hall everybody stared .
26 This may sound harsh , but it seems to me that when we lost our empire our eyes came down from the horizon and looked at our feet .
27 Much of his career in fact seems to have been devoted to Amazon-slaying , but it is significant that if heroes like Heracles represent the revolt of the son against the phallic mother then they also give evidence of their dependency on her when we find our hero forced to don women 's garb and do women 's work as proof of his love for the Lydian queen Omphale , while she wears his lion 's skin , brandishes his club and spanks him with her slipper if his handiwork does not please her .
28 When we have our celebration , it reminds me of Lourdes , and I 've been going to Lourdes since 1961 .
29 No Richard because the whole thing can fall through when we have our survey done it might show a defect or something , we might pull out , when they have their survey done it might show a defect so they might pull out , you do n't do anything Richard until the contracts have been exchanged , then you can start saying right I think that 's , that 's , every thing 's definite
30 It 'll be si ski trip will be when we have our maths ' coursework so the there was about ten fourth years going they 're really annoyed !
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