Example sentences of "when she be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yasmin , who looks lovely even when she 's not trying , smiles a little sadly when she hears that .
2 My mother is a jumble-sale dresser — that is , when she 's not wearing a sari .
3 That 's like Sarah at work , I mean she leaves at twenty past five , if she thinks that , she 'll leave at ten past five I mean she thinks you 're stupid because she do n't always go but even when she 's not going she
4 When she 's not having a drink or tucking into a bag of crisps , the five month old badger cub can usually be found on the snooker table .
5 When she 's not playing war games , Marie has a job in the textile trade .
6 Layla , our loving secretary , has at last learned that when she 's adamantly refusing some tenacious committee member and I say , ‘ Here , give me the phone .
7 Wears them all the time , even when she 's out digging .
8 She 's not very attractive when she 's done up but she 's attractive when she 's like sweating it out in her cycling shorts
9 But even when she 's fully grown she wo n't be much over two feet tall .
10 Just then one of Father 's secretaries , who was standing right behind me , said , ‘ Such purity of line , do you notice , even when she 's only showing that sweet child how to curtsy . ’
11 Especially when she 's about to cry .
12 ‘ It 's OK , ’ said Henry , ‘ you can fill up on choc bars and then pretend to eat it and when she is n't looking I 'll sling it in the bin . ’
13 WHEN she is n't flying back and forth from England to Australia , Sarah Key helps the rich and famous to get into shape .
14 The inescapable subservience of the female is ratified even when she is not manoeuvred as an object of adoration or spite : But the effect of this fifteenth-century carol in providing a reminder that the Incarnation was realised through a woman , is to put a warning shot across the bows of those who exploit the daughters of Eve .
15 She now spends half her time working in the Comic Relief office in New Oxford Street , London , when she is not doing her ‘ telly stuff . ’
16 She can pop down to the basement , make herself a cup of coffee until the colour is removed when she is then encouraged to style her own hair !
17 Now , when she is fully dilated , which will take some time , I will tell you to stop .
18 Tandia by Bryce Courtenay ( Mandarin , £4.99 ) — Half-Indian , half-African , beautiful and brilliant , Tandia is a teenager when she is brutally violated by the South African police .
19 But I could hear the breathy snarl that Mala makes when she is about to hurt someone quite badly , and with it a menacing series of grunts that could only be Gharrgoyles .
20 You know , and she worked all them years , and then when she were n't working , she have no money coming in every week .
21 Two weeks before the end of her trial , Winnie Mandela experienced what commentators treated as a major political setback when she was heavily defeated in elections for the national presidency of the ANC women 's league , which she had earlier been expected to win unchallenged .
22 She had imagined that the doctor would be male ; she had looked forward to it even , a chance to pit herself against him , to resist , to overcome ; but when she was finally ushered into the consulting room she was greeted by a woman younger than herself .
23 When she was not holding forth on the almighty Telscombes , or the glories of Virginia , Miss Beard had little to say ; and Ruth was in no mood to talk .
24 He was fond of his wife in an absent-minded way , especially when she was not nagging at him , so he took a Kleenex out of the kitchen box and went back to her , saying rather hopelessly : ‘ Here , have a Kleenex . ’
25 When she was not steeped in work she was warm and gregarious , almost as though she was ensuring a queue of admirers to buy up her next batch of paintings .
26 When she was not engaged in company work , she was overseeing the redesigning and restocking of the gardens , which she loved , and , of course , planning the decoration of the house .
27 When she was not drawing Frank 's attention to Vicky 's faults , she was correcting him for his , her high-pitched voice shrill with reprimand .
28 When she was not travelling round the world , Miss Hayes lived at Nyack or spent time with her adopted son , James , who became known to television viewers as detective Dan Williams on the series Hawaii Five-O .
29 But for most of them it is clearly worth it , and Carol would struggle in even when she was not feeling well .
30 The post-war years brought nagging doubts for Mary , when she was not surrounded by her now four healthy children .
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