Example sentences of "when she [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She recalls they were quite disapproving when she chose to study at Bradford rather than Oxford or Cambridge .
2 When she became engaged to Prince Charles Diana referred to her cleaning job in her reply to Lucinda 's letter of congratulation .
3 When she became engrossed in some new work he made her preoccupation an excuse for drawing away from her .
4 Miss Paula McCloskey , 26 , also injured her other leg when she became entangled in a mincing machine at the M U P factory in Richill , Co Armagh , in June , 1990 , the High Court in Belfast was told yesterday .
5 A morning off , she took them occasionally when she felt put upon , but this time her ire and suspicion were aimed at him .
6 She was being towed to the breakers when she began to take in water ( probably through the conning tower hatch which was only lashed down for the tow ) and sank .
7 Only it was so hard to do that , especially when she began looking at the sketches she had made at Kenilworth .
8 The trouble started when she began to talk about her will .
9 I first met her when she began coming to Althorp and into the Northampton hairdressing salon where I worked .
10 Melissa had barely turned the key in the ignition when she began to speak in a brittle , staccato voice .
11 She had herself spent several weeks alone in her cottage when she had just bought it and when she returned to mix with people she had found that her vocabulary had deserted her , that without stimulation she had completely lost the art of conversation , had been able only to mutter inanities in monosyllabic form .
12 She took the thermometer from his mouth , and when she continued to stare at it he was Unable to keep the note of anxiety out of his voice .
13 Eleanor was right when she had said at the very beginning that he should have gone along with the corporate planning proposals to phase-out the UK Vehicle Division as a manufacturing operation .
14 On some deep , primitive level , sensed earlier when she had gazed at him across the fire , she belonged to him .
15 However , Liz had laughed like a drain when she had commented on how small it sounded .
16 Mother told me that once when she had gone with them to chapel — and she was only a tot-she had just a little peep around at the rest of the congregation .
17 Acting as quickly as when she had gone to ground after Nicandra 's Nettie , she took his hand , lightly as a tame bird arriving to perch on a finger ; with a touching confidence in his response , she turned her little monkey 's face up to him , dropped the hand she had touched and , without a backward look led the way to the Ballroom .
18 Her fingers closed round the small bottle of sleeping tablets Dana had been prescribed when she had stayed with Claudia after a bout of flu .
19 The men within would then be fired upon through holes in the roof , picked off like pigeons in a cote , Isabel had thought when she had ridden through it earlier .
20 Ingrid was in fact twenty-nine , which was young compared with Gesner , but not young for a dancer and she found the routines rather a strain , especially when she had to sing at the end of them .
21 Michael Lee was well used to Katherine 's preference for darkened rooms ; when had had first started work for her , he had done some research and discovered that when she had operated in Dublin , she had never appeared in public during the daylight hours and always met her business associates in darkened rooms , where she was known only as Madam Kitten .
22 Nevertheless , she still weighed more than when she had floated in Witwaterstrand .
23 He had always been pleased when she had called on him in London but made little effort to visit her in Carshalton .
24 She suspected that she was pregnant when she began seeing Alan , but this was only confirmed when she had to go for a check-up because Alan had a urinal infection .
25 But the smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown when she had to go into dinner herself — and sit next to her husband .
26 With a faint , elusive smile , she recalled a similar sort of feeling when she had yearned after the paperboy when she 'd been fourteen .
27 She also suffered from arthritis in the wrists , the fingers and the ankles and she was unable to turn her head at all ; this was due to a car accident several years before when she had suffered from whiplash .
28 When she had written to Mark Heathwood and to George Wilson , asking whether he had managed to find out whether Raffaella had any chance of getting permission to live in England , Julia pulled a new sheet of writing paper towards her and wrote a chatty , cheerful letter to her mother .
29 Yesterday she had gone to the dingy little newsagent at the corner of the street to pay the paper bill , and to buy Matey a writing pad and envelopes , when she had seen on the counter a pile of postcards depicting society beauties .
30 ‘ He did explain that to us quite often , when she had fallen in love with Europe and the prince proposed , she saw herself in Rome ; the Eternal City , it was always that to her .
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