Example sentences of "when they [am/are] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People never are angry ; they 're always hurt , or surprised , or — when they 're simply boiling with rage — ‘ merely amused ’ .
2 Well when they 're just standing there in a vest and shorts then there is n't much else to look at is there , really ?
3 THE tip-top Mirror 's still the high point of our readers ' day … even when they 're precariously perched 170ft 2ins above Trafalgar Square .
4 The teachers are all on strike , hardly surprising when they 're only paid a hundred dollars a month , so all Alejandro 's kids are at home getting under their mother 's feet . ’
5 According to studies into the side on which men ‘ dress ’ , seventy-five per cent have penises that lie to the left when they 're fully clothed as opposed to a mere seventeen per cent that have penises that lie to the right .
6 A few birds with long beaks were poking around by the water : how come they stay so clean when they 're always delving in the mud ?
7 It just annoys me when they 're always fagging .
8 And nine times out of ten people in that situation , when they 're actually creating their article or their programme or anything else , will take that material , use their own style , wrap it up , and as it were throw it out , and if you 're pro-active in that sense , you stand a very very much better chance of them getting it right .
9 I 'm assuming that the that when they 're actually made , when they 're cut , they are actually cut absolutely dead straight on the the grain of the erm the weave .
10 Whe when they 're actually describing something like homework oh that 's cool , they do n't really mean it as good , or do they ?
11 ‘ Trade unions have not given adequate support to black members when they are racially harassed and discriminated against .
12 Exhibitions and trade shows work well when they are carefully mounted and the reasons for attending are commercially sound .
13 Shots of unadulterated paradise — images of soft sand , azure skies and palm-fringed beaches can , when they are well done , bring in a great deal of money , yet , all too often , there is something empty about such shots .
14 It is a great shame more people are n't backing them , especially when they are well established in the top six .
15 Some people argue that it is very difficult to write without making use of masculine pronouns or words with a masculine connotation when they are also referring to women .
16 When men are asked what they think that women are looking for , the picture becomes very intriguing — particularly when they are also asked to rate themselves on these attributes ( see table , right ) .
17 When they are finally allowed to return a year and a half later , they discover that Xorandor and seventeen of his children are under close surveillance in different parts of the world , but that he has ‘ programmed ’ them to escape and neutralize nuclear missiles .
18 Farm workers also gain intrinsic satisfaction from working with living and growing plants and animals and they share a sense of achievement when they are finally brought to maturity , the sequential nature of production allowing workers to be involved in all of the stages through to completion .
19 We should not underestimate the power of official systems of classification of children , even when they are generally held to be inadequate by those that work with them .
20 Later , when they are both tucked in , one at each end of Xanthe 's bed tickling toes together on purpose , they beg her
21 The importance of representation has been shown by research published by the lord chancellor 's department : the chances of applicants being successful rises from 20% to 35% when they are professionally represented .
22 A complete gene is then made up of a whole series of exons , which are actually strung together only when they are eventually read by the ‘ official ’ operating system that translates them into proteins .
23 So we are looking for a new name that we shall use for the discs when they are eventually released .
24 Bear in mind that when they are full grown , your tank will be barely large enough .
25 More importantly , we fear that the suggestion that this may happen may deter some doctors from giving adequate doses of these drugs when they are properly indicated .
26 They are scarcely adult , some men : they wish women to understand them , and to that end they tell them all their secrets ; and then , when they are properly understood , they hate their women for understanding them .
27 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
28 Clients are usually only referred to them , however , when they are already suffering serious psychiatric problems .
29 Volcanic bombs become partially streamlined and rounded as they are thrown through the air or pass rapidly through the magma in the neck of a volcano when they are violently erupted .
30 These architects are good at dissembling the bulkiness of their buildings to planning committees , less so to the passer-by when they are actually built .
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