Example sentences of "when he [vb past] she [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He found nothing on Josie but a couple of folded Kleenex and a Tube ticket , but then when he rolled her over he heard a faint clink of metal on stone .
2 In view of what Marc had said about the next few days , Sarella was surprised when he sought her out before dinner .
3 When he got her on to the pavement , she sagged against the school wall and would not move .
4 That was a good bit when he fucked her up the arse .
5 Then she found that she had no breath , for all the breath went out of her body when he tossed her down on to her mattress .
6 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
7 But beneath it she understood , accepted , found it far easier to hate him , when he fought her back to the bed , than to ignore him ; the bitings and scratchings of anger coming near enough to passion so that when he entered her again she found it possible , in her loathing , her detestation , her bitter resentment , to wrap her own strong , hard limbs about him in a grip designed to wound and crush him but which could also excite .
8 Although Constance was proud to be seen with Nicky and loved it when he took her out , she was determined not to be taken for granted .
9 When he brought her back another drink he moved close to her trying to have a conversation .
10 When he brought her back he just drew up in front of the villa , jumped out , opened door , kissed hand , ‘ Bon soir , Madame , ’ and he was off .
11 She 'd fancied him for ages and when he asked her out she managed to keep her cool even though she felt faint .
12 ‘ There are two sides to our operation , ’ he had explained , when he led her out of the office block and across a bleak enclosed courtyard , where footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow , towards a high windowless wall of corrugated iron .
13 She was relieved , for the sake of the parish , when he rang her up in 1940 to say that he was leaving .
14 When he pulled her back she expected very harsh reprisals but all she got was a very speculating look .
15 Dorothy was puzzled and did not know what to say , so she smiled and then started up the path to the back door , when he called her back .
16 She started to leave , then stopped when he called her back .
17 The Judge did n't realise , when he called her in
18 He heard her sigh deeply , the way she always did when he let her down in some way .
19 When he let her down it was just three weeks before her Finals .
20 Once she fell and when he picked her up , her front tooth was broken .
21 It was still light when he picked her up , and his appreciative gaze told her that missing her lunch had not been wasted .
22 ‘ Had a bust-up in the late fifties when he beat her up so badly he was sent to jail . ’
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