Example sentences of "when it [vb past] know [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Nourse LJ also considered it was arguable that the plaintiff could not seek to rely on the literal clauses of the agreement when it had known that the disclosure letter was incomplete as to do so would be dishonest .
2 After a flat opening beers perked up when it became known that August beer production was up 8 per cent and the year 's output had edged 0.6 per cent ahead of last year 's corresponding performance .
3 French public opinion was enraged by the attempt and was further inflamed when it became known that Orsini 's bombs had been made in Birmingham and the conspiracy hatched in London .
4 When it became known that the Government had said it could not afford to honour Nelson 's wishes and help her out , the tradesmen to whom she still owed money closed in .
5 When it became known that people in many developing countries remained free of the major killer diseases of Western civilization , it was obvious that medical research into these illnesses should start by delving into the question of what these people were doing , or not doing .
6 But when it became known that someone ostensibly in the top echelon of the regime was no longer seen at the Ceauşescus ' palace at the nightly film shows or for chess , then whatever the victim 's ostensible rank , his own hangers-on would begin to look for another patron .
7 The excitement was intensified when it became known that some time previously a railway clerk named Winter , who kept a black retriever , had shot himself in the porter 's cellar but Durham had claimed that he was unaware of the tragedy when he had encountered the ghost .
8 From the moment in the mid-Eighties when it became known that Baron Thyssen was hunting a new location for his famous collection of paintings housed until only a few months ago at the lakeside Villa Favorita near Lugano , city fathers and heads of state began to vie for the prestige of exhibiting it .
9 ‘ Father , when it became known that Saint Winifred 's relics had been loaded with the timber for Ramsey , when there was no longer any doubt of how it came there — for we knew , every man of us , that there was none , for who else could it have been ? — then I was burning with anger against the thief who had dared such sacrilege against her , and such a gross offence against our house .
10 Belle Vue Cottage is very conveniently situated for all these amenities and a distinct frisson of excitement ran through the community when it became known that Hannah Hauxwell was the new owner .
11 Concern was also expressed in some quarters when it became known that Christopher Ball was to be appointed Chairman of the Board , on the grounds that as head of an Oxford College he would not appear to have the intimate knowledge of the further education system that such a post requires .
12 ( The ‘ new evidence ’ was greeted with derision in some quarters when it became known that the L'Express story had originated over lunch with a senior official from the American Embassy in Paris .
13 There was some criticism of the company when it became known that certain Drexel employees had been paid bonuses totalling $250,000,000 only months before the bankruptcy was filed .
14 Her high-handed personal style , it appeared , had created widespread hostility to her , which surfaced in the course of the trial , especially when it became known that there had been blatant intimidation of witnesses .
15 When it became known that they were to be repatriated , fighting broke out , the gates were forced , and Italian police opened fire after being attacked with stones and planks .
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