Example sentences of "when a [noun] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A fierce tank battle raged in the western approaches to the Bosnian capital Sarajevo and Bosnian radio reported that 18 children had been wounded and one killed when a shell hit their school .
2 When a tour brought them to Johannesburg , Herbert took John to a performance and afterwards asked whether they could be shown how everything worked .
3 DIPLOMATS were stranded in lifts when a snake coiled itself round power cables and blew the fuses at a conference in Tanzania .
4 But a local councillor , who asked not to be named , said : ‘ It started when a driver parked his lorry by the box while he used the phone .
5 The nine-year-old tearaway was arrested when a driver caught him trying to get into his car by sliding through the sunroof .
6 CHART stars Pop Will Eat Itself blew up when a mix-up stopped them appearing in Sweden .
7 After a long session trying on clothes , she was walking out with her purchases when a man tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to go back into the shop .
8 The peasants who cultivated the land became its owners and proprietors and a new law of inheritance was established by which when a man died his land was equally divided among his sons .
9 She was walking home near Colbayns School when a man approached her and asked the time .
10 ONE of Cleveland 's new all-weather fire and rescue vehicles swung into action when a man broke his leg on the Eston Hills .
11 Chief Constable Burrows was outside his club in Friar Street when a fellow-member approached him and suggested he looked into the whereabouts of Philip Drew , an actor who was performing in a play called The Monster at Reading 's Royal Theatre at the time of the Oliver murder .
12 She only escaped when a passer-by heard her screams
13 After the glimpse of Scandinavia through Riborg , and later the experience of Hungary , Jane was so far carried away by her enthusiasm for classless freedom , the beauty of northern landscapes , plus the humorous awareness of the central European people , that when a Finn crossed her path , she was fair game .
14 My lesson lasted about half the time of Tony 's , terminating as he was explaining the purpose of the deadman 's handle to me when a gust filled his chute and hauled him off in fine style .
15 An Edinburgh postman 's second wife protested when a cousin congratulated her on the birth of her first step-grandchild , ‘ You 'll be a granny now . ’
16 It was the custom at that time that when a worker married he was allowed to make himself a chair in the company 's time ; this was called a ‘ marriage chair ’ .
17 The chief minister of Maharashtra recently had to resign when a court indicted him for using his powers to speed up cement deliveries to people who gave money to his private foundation .
18 OPERA buffs made sure the show went on when a storm hit their open-air Carmen — they moved into a cowshed .
19 When a storm disabled his ship in 1654 he was dismayed by the thought that God might have judged him unworthy to be an instrument .
20 When a friend asked me the car 's name I answered at once — Anastasia Fyodorovna Romanova , Princess of all the Russias .
21 Veronica Sive 's interest in photography began at university when a friend suggested she ‘ look carefully through the lens ’ .
22 Veronica Sive 's interest in photography began at university , 10 years ago when a friend suggested she ‘ look carefully through the lens , it 's a new world out there ’ .
23 This fact could not be concealed any more than I could conceal , when a friend invited me to stay with her during the holidays in Yorkshire , that my parents could n't afford the train fare .
24 When a friend invited her to attend one of the Christian community study groups , she was deeply impressed by the contrast and decided to join the community :
25 Harry Enfield discovered opera a few years ago when a friend gave him a disc of highlights from ‘ La Traviata ’ .
26 He was threading his way along the side of a steep and thickly wooded declivity when a voice hailed him from the other side .
27 At midday , we were standing in the stern when a voice hailed us from an upper deck .
28 The we means ‘ someone in my group ’ , and when a Zuwayi used we in this sense , the reference group was small and was likely to include his own ancestors and relatives , men he could name in a line of descent which included both speaker and audience , which explained the existence and identity of each person , and provided them with a character and loyalties .
29 At night we sometimes heard their frenzied barking when a leopard disturbed them .
30 He always looked pleased when a case interested him .
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