Example sentences of "when [pers pn] 've be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , well as I say , sometimes I go along while in between but I I think it 's more or less when when I 've been aggravated a bit , you know what I mean ?
2 How am I going to manage this house and be a wife you can be proud of , when I 've been brought up a different way , and everybody in the place knows it ? ’
3 SEXTALK : When you 've been abused
4 When you 've been given a fine brain like I have , you 've got to use it .
5 But it 's difficult to remember things like that when you 've been brought up in a village and you 're used to chatting to everyone you meet .
6 ‘ Who wants to work when you 've been offered a holiday ? ’ she asked .
7 At this point Mr Wilson the Strict Deputy Head arrived ( every school with more than one Deputy Head has a ‘ Strict ’ one for telling you off and keeping order in assemblies , and a ‘ Friendly ’ one for helping you when you 've been bullied ) .
8 ‘ Drawing 1-1 up there with a team of kids when you 've been spanked 5-0 four days earlier made them believe they could finish the job at home . ’
9 When you 've been used to that for sixty-two years , hot water and a flushing toilet do come as something of a culture shock .
10 I do n't I thin I think there 's probably a lot lot less sexism just in terms of I think we 've won their respect by you know and and certainly when th they did n't want us to picket in the beginning , and then over the months really the women have done quite a lot of successful picketing when we 've been asked and and we 've staged quite big pickets quite a lot of you know the big pickets were really organized and the rallies have been organized by us and really sort of quite a lot of the input into into the strike I think has come from the women 's support group in in quite a unique way .
11 We shall of course consider the Library 's proposals carefully when they 've been finalised .
12 What we have done , when they 've been cut off with erm electricity in particular , erm we liaise with D H S S for them to help their erm to get their their deductions made a at a level which does n't leave them erm you know too short of money .
13 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
14 But what happens to those families when they 've been housed and they gradually improve their position , do we send our officers down and say ah , you 've got some money in the bank now , you 're not in need , get out of this council house we 're gon na give it to somebody else .
15 There are blokes crying out there when they come off the pitch , when they 've been substituted .
16 Well , I was alright , I learnt all about the harness eventually , and there 's in the you know , this throwback business when they 've been harnessed up .
17 When they 've been promoted to a high ranking job .
18 But then , perhaps all chicks get to look like that , when they 've been raped a few thousand times .
19 And how many people can be sure of things about themselves when they 've been brought up to please other people ?
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