Example sentences of "when [pers pn] 's not [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Yasmin , who looks lovely even when she 's not trying , smiles a little sadly when she hears that .
2 My mother is a jumble-sale dresser — that is , when she 's not wearing a sari .
3 That 's like Sarah at work , I mean she leaves at twenty past five , if she thinks that , she 'll leave at ten past five I mean she thinks you 're stupid because she do n't always go but even when she 's not going she
4 When she 's not having a drink or tucking into a bag of crisps , the five month old badger cub can usually be found on the snooker table .
5 When she 's not playing war games , Marie has a job in the textile trade .
6 Tap tap tap all bloody day long , when it 's not singing or falling off its perch .
7 It 's just there to take the edge off things when it 's not settling on it 's own .
8 As Tom MacQueen himself once told me , banks will always lend you an umbrella , when it 's not raining .
9 Constant rain , and when it 's not raining it looks as if it 's about to .
10 It 's not only a working instrument but the kind of guitar that you feel like picking up and playing at any time ; when it 's not wowing the punters it will probably spend its time lying on the sofa permanently on call .
11 when it 's not changing .
12 Jackline in the , you have to do something with the comb when it 's not showing so you 've , what 's happened to the white ?
13 At times it 's a joy when it 's not happening !
14 When he 's not zapping helmetted contestants in front of a TV camera , he 's usually to be found pumping iron in a gym somewhere .
15 In fact , the little chap positively trailblazes along walls — when he 's not bounding on his robo-legs or zooming skywards strapped to a jetpack .
16 Just higher your chariot blades on a level with his neck and drive past when he 's not looking ? but do n't tell anybody I said so .
17 When he 's not telling us his name he 's yelling ‘ yo ’ and other inane rappisms in a suitably sneering tone .
18 However when he 's not sorting out pest problems in Leeds he is treading the floorboards in many amateur theatrical productions .
19 When he 's not feeding , he 'll suck at anything else that 's available — a dummy , finger , thumb or piece of blanket .
20 They set aside a room for Howard to work in , when he 's not labouring outside with an axe or a scythe .
21 On the gravel outside stands a sleek black BMW to drive when he 's not riding one of his three £1,500 hand-made bikes .
22 Off-road riding is still the basis of his off-season training — when he 's not attending another dinner in his honour that is .
23 He works very hard and when he 's not working at his job he likes to work on the car . ’
24 He 's in his 50s and when he 's not working , loves to brush with danger .
25 Meanwhile , Hawk — 6ft tall with a 56in chest — an inspector for Welsh Water when he 's not beating innocent victims to a pulp , spends 12 hours a week in the gym to build up those biceps .
26 ‘ What does he do with himself when he 's not pinching waitresses ? ’ asked Milton .
27 His keyboard must really hate him — when he 's not ignoring it , he 's bashing seven shades of shite out of it .
28 His keyboard must really hate him — when he 's not ignoring it , he 's bashing seven shades of shite out of it .
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