Example sentences of "when [pers pn] see [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When I met her at the airport after she flew in to London from Los Angeles recently , I caught my breath when I saw her because she just looked so lovely .
2 I was munching a meat pie and reading an early edition of the Standard when I saw them and then only because I happened to glance in the mirror .
3 I considered that he was not coherent when I saw him and he was confused . ’
4 My mother and I were in the kitchen when I saw him and involuntarily said , ‘ My God , he looks as though he 's … ’
5 I could n't believe it when I saw it cos we had just cemented the ill-fated Admiral deal .
6 I had doubts about that cover when I saw it because someone on seeing the flag would think it 's a political novel , whereas it 's not .
7 She stopped again then said wryly , ‘ When I saw you and gradually realised that he was attracted to you I naturally became jealous . ’
8 Er did you s w w when er when I saw you when you were living in
9 When I see something that 's right , it hits me .
10 The story had been taken up in yesterday 's paper by another lady , old-age pensioner Miss Judith Kennedy , a retired teacher who told a local reporter that ‘ I know an eagle when I see one because I lived in Cyprus for twenty years and there are many eagles there .
11 And I 'm going to ask Mr when I see him that if he
12 He said I just speak to him he said when I see him and they 're nice to me and I 'm nice to them .
13 I when I see him when I see , George does a lot of housekeeping when I see him clearing the bed I say oh goodness look book .
14 So when I see it cos I thought I have Alice and them , so I and in the room and I fridge .
15 So I used to say to each crowd : ‘ Look , when you see me or see my inspector , move to the kerb and stay there .
16 She was about to turn and go back when she saw something that made her stop and purse her lips disapprovingly .
17 She was not familiar with the type , but she recognized it when she saw it as she would have recognized the Eiffel Tower .
18 However , we were not actually doing anything unlawful when she saw us so there was n't a thing she could do , I 'm pleased to say .
19 The elephant analogy arose because most of us all of us recognize an elephant when we see one but it is very difficult to describe it
20 In both cases the answer is that we will conform when we see it as being in our interests to do so .
21 ‘ I thought my family and colleagues would faint when they saw me but they loved the new me instantly , ’ she said .
22 They dropped their voices to a whisper when they saw me but I 'd seen them taking nips from a bottle of gin .
23 He turned round when he saw me and waved his hammer .
24 Even so , the overbearing Purvis looked at his watch when he saw me and said ‘ Good afternoon ’ .
25 His brother Nails was already there , terrorizing the deep end , but came out when he saw them and hung around — presumably to find out how awful they were .
26 He stopped when he saw them and asked if they wanted to come with him .
27 He stiffened when he saw them and Devlin said cheerfully , ‘ Very pretty , son , but it looks to me as if someone 's been spoiling your good looks . ’
28 Silence had fallen for almost three weeks and then her father had written again , with the utmost brevity , to say he would review the situation when he saw it and that they could get away after the harvest .
29 It was the customer himself who recognised professionalism when he saw it and responded accordingly .
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