Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] it [art] " in BNC.

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1 And when I saw it the other day , on my way from London 's West End , I could n't believe it .
2 When I saw it the other night , tucked inside the cello part of one of the piano trios we play , she had got as far as ‘ State 7 — Moderate Gale : Intervals of laughter .
3 I was bathing you , and I fetched a clean nappy , and when I unfolded it the letter dropped out , and we read it . ’
4 It was about five inches long when I bought it a month ago , and now it is approaching 10 inches .
5 They put fluorescent material on that stuff you know , so when you wash it the
6 When you put it the way you put it , I suppose I should have guessed that you had guessed .
7 No it 's not bad the game actually it 's alright but it is a bit sort of like boring when it 's , when you play it every day and it 's sort of break your neck or something .
8 It 's harder when you do it the first thing .
9 Do you how much do put in when you give it a feed ?
10 She reached for her pen and dipped it into the well so fiercely that when she lifted it a blot fell across the page .
11 That 's what I said to her when she said it the other day I said how old are you Mrs ?
12 When she found it the scene was stark .
13 She had not long returned to her room however , when her telephone rang , and when she answered it the sun came out .
14 She carefully left enough of her father 's original hair tonic in the bottle so that when she gave it a good shake the whole thing still looked reasonably purple .
15 When she did it the second time .
16 When we reached it the next day , we were disappointed to find that in our more prosaic age they simply open the gates .
17 I oppose the carry-over motion for the Bill , as I did when we debated it a year ago .
18 When we gave it a tightfisted 52% in Issue 79 , our main bone of contention was that it was ridiculously overpriced .
19 Right , which is what we got when we did it the other way .
20 I mean once or twice when we unload it the beer barrel break and when they , be surprised you 'd never get it back together again .
21 When they heard it the sepoys threw back their heads and uttered a howl so piercing , so harrowing that every window in the Residency must have dissolved if they had not been already broken .
22 The Waste lay on a high part of the forest so that when they reached it the sun , which had already sunk from sight in the valleys , was still poised above the dark low edge of the distant forest .
23 Scientists did not help matters when they gave it the generic name Oreamnos , meaning ‘ mountain lamb ’ .
24 They land in a field among crop circles ( they bought crop circle footage off National Geographic , and when they watched it the only car you could see in it was — synchronicity ! — a red station wagon … ) and then pick up a hitch-hiking alien .
25 That 's what I thought it was at first but when he said it the next time it sounded different , it was nymph , rag nymph , that 's what he called me .
26 When he touched it the doors swung open instantly and with a disconcerting noiselessness .
27 When he did it a second time , I put the light out .
28 It was a a well pitched up ball , I like , I like love Tufnell when he gives it a bit of a , on the off stump .
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