Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was in there nearly three years , or two and a half years anyway and , of course , I when I passed to go to the Q M of course , I , I used to do the Headmaster 's and all that but they , they could n't teach me any more because you , you can only have the same lessons as them that have been taught you know .
2 Thus when I favour pay for ‘ childcare ’ I mean the day-to-day domestic care of people who need it ( obviously I would include adults too infirm to care for themselves ) .
3 When I 'd done with Shepard and the wasp , Shadwell put his arm round me .
4 The only time I 've ever frozen in an exam was when I 'd gone for three exams solid without kip , one after the other , and I just brain and the other ones were a real struggle and I had to graft my marks out of solid granite y'know I was chiselling away .
5 On a taxi ride across the Clyde Valley — Hamilton , Motherwell , Wishaw going with my father to the psychiatric hospital where my mother had just been admitted , I was overwhelmed by the past , not just the place names that had filled my childhood when I 'd lived in this part of Scotland over twenty years before , but another past to which I had even less access : a prelude to my own .
6 And erm when I 'd finished with him I 'd perhaps get a two or three specked apples or a banana or something like you see .
7 or through the shower then in the swimming pool then back again and when I 'd finished with it I went straight upstairs to my room and I went to sleep straight away , it was lovely .
8 So I was particularly pleased to find at one point , when I 'd indulged in a lengthy photo session , that the rest of the party had gone over the brow and out of sight and I was left for a while with the world to myself .
9 Later , much later , when I 'd refused at least seventeen attempts to ply me with drink , I found myself sitting at dinner , attempting to charm the ruling monarch 's fourth child .
10 They must have come out of a back entrance to the flats and they were intent on avoiding somebody , although I 'd seen nothing suspicious when I 'd cruised down Seymour Place .
11 It 's usually from the market stall , when I get sent over there .
12 My friend gets them when I get go into town .
13 overpower , you know , creep up on you , I , I 'd , it 'd just get the better of me Eric that 's why I got really the other one you see and that , I , I have n't come to any harm not having it , and erm I 've just got to get rid of this because it 's , I 'd do a lot more Eric if it were n't for the television , I know I 'll miss it when I get rid of it you see , it has been described as a plug-in drug
14 Well I 'm making arrangements to pay mine er but when I get paid on Friday it were going through , got ta pay him twenty five pounds and then fifteen pounds every fortnight thereafter and it 'll take seven months to pay but that 's all he can get off us .
15 Dave , Lancashire region , on three nine seven , Chair , when I got elected to the Labour Council in Rochdale , I took a whip that I had , did what the policy was of the Rochdale D L P .
16 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
17 I 'm the only one who 's ever been mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nine , taking numbers on polling stations and so on , and so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
18 And so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
19 When I got rid of fear I found we could make friends .
20 Yeah oh yeah I did n't work anywhere else in Willenhall at all , and erm but we 'd got to be in for seven o'clock and if erm you were n't in for seven o'clock and sometimes I used to hear the bell began ringing when I got to go around the corner and get into the , but you had to wait a quarter of an hour before they would let you in and that was stopped off your money and my wage was eight and fourpence a week .
21 ‘ I was just coming home when I got hit in the engine .
22 I was out and under the bonnet when I got stopped by this policeman .
23 You caught me when I staged dived and looked after me when I got knocked in the eye .
24 Well that 's what Breeze am keep telling me when I got to work in the morning it 's about the time of recession people should advertise more not less that maybe but the hard financial situation of the theatre finds itself in is to find that sort of money is very difficult at the moment .
25 But even this has not stopped my love for canoeing as I have been out many times since and this summer , when I was at camp , I was going down a weir , when I got caught in a stopper at the bottom and nearly drowned myself again .
26 When I come to think about it afterwards , I do n't know quite what he was after . ’
27 Has n't changed much , either , when I come to think about it .
28 ‘ Actually , ’ she continued , ‘ when I come to think of it — you never go into other people 's houses , do you ?
29 I 'm trying to explain to you that there was a different atmosphere about it , the whole situation , I know they were hard times , I know that some people had some really rough times but it did n't show very much , and when I come to think of all my parents ' friends I do n't remember anybody having a wife bashing episode or they all seemed to be very contented with their lot somehow except one , and that was a little bit dicey when I was a little kid , but the man died and the Observer the next week the er obituary notice was put in the paper and underneath they 'd got , with Christ which is far better and my father said and they she could n't have said anything better words
30 That 'll be alright so cos he slid his my brief case and er I got all the way home , no problem at all , I 'd got newspaper under the back , so it did n't scratch the back when I come to come down Mill Road this lorry 's go , I mean I got the tail gate up and er I sort of looked in the mirror , I thought oh my goodness my tail gate , I could hear it so and I braked a bit sharp and that slid down and scratched along the dash board !
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