Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 When I discovered designs for slip in the pattern library books supplied by the manufacturers I was pleasantly surprised .
2 When I saw Jekub for the first time I thought , OK , this is what he used . ’
3 I never ever had a running line as I could offer anybody , although you know when the museum come , when I had orders for two or three dozen .
4 Something the innkeeper had said when I made apologies for possessing no luggage had begun to tip my mood .
5 When I needed information for my paper , he was always helpful .
6 When I beat Nick for the Barcelona Open it gave me a three-year exemption on the tour but it turned out to be a £90,000 exemption — that 's what it cost me to keep playing until I lost it in 1991 . ’
7 When I wanted publicity for a young persons ' trip to London , arranged to allow them to talk to MPs of all parties , your paper did not publish the Press release .
8 Current Account With a Current Account you will have to pay certain charges when you use CheckOver for operating your account .
9 ‘ Look mate , ’ replied Sooty , ‘ when you sweep chinmeys for a living , you need plenty of liquor to swill out your guts . ’
10 Executive Trevor East said : ‘ When you add fees for overseas television rights , plus their gates and advertising sponsorship , you would have to think they could have more than doubled the figure we offered .
11 Desiree Washington , 19 , above , who is still being treated , will make the claim when she sues Tyson for damages .
12 The bus driver refused to take Sarah home from school when she produced 15p for a 16p journey .
13 She was five and a half when she entered school for the first time .
14 Both girls thought she was joking at first but when she recounted word for word the interview she had had with Moran they exploded into wild laughter .
15 POOR Beth endures male chauvinism at its ugliest when she starts work for Doug .
16 He was there for some time , and was with her when she regained consciousness for the last time . ’
17 I half expected that when we pitched camp for the night there 'd be some sort of ceremony — I do n't know , burning a bundle of clothes or whatever .
18 It had yellow hair and it used to swim in the sea when we chucked sticks for it .
19 In algebra a similar thing happens when we substitute numbers for letters .
20 When we make love for the second time this throbbing afternoon it is like lingering over liqueurs by a log fire .
21 ‘ It is now our number one venue when we make application for world events .
22 Cameron was thinking : Those upland folk who were at Kenmore this morning — they nearly all kept on towards Tummel when we forked north-west for Rannoch .
23 We consider the use of test results by decision makers in the next section , and by teachers later when we consider criteria for judging testing as an accountability procedure .
24 Yet the paradox is that we only use the word hypocrisy when we have reasons for believing that we have found the thing itself .
25 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
26 What is going on when we give reasons for our beliefs or actions ?
27 That 's not a way of fudging some other cost , the retained fire fighters are recompensed when we provide training for them , because they normally have to lose work or whatever .
28 Ironically , Gough 's rash challenge on Ferguson at Tannadice resulted in a booking which carries him over the disciplinary points threshold and costs Rangers the services of their captain when they visit Arbroath for the Scottish Cup , quarter-final tie on 6 March .
29 Spurs play their possesion futba which looks good but is not at all dangerous — when they had chances for breaks they just kept passing the ball instead of going for the fast break .
30 The highlight of the visit was , they say , when they played football for the Wood Group team against chambers at Hazlehead Park and won 4-O .
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